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Transmission by AM

╓──────────────║ TRANSMISSION - AM DEMO GROUP│───────────────────────────────┐
║              ╚═════════════════════════════╛                               │
║                                                                            │
║    This project started off as a collection of experiments with Watcom C   │
║ intended as a fun way for me (RubiXcom) to learn this language. I never    │
║ thought I could actually produce enough effects for a whole demo. I really │
║ got involved in coding after I heard about the fantastic demo party in     │
║ Adelaide.                                                                  │
║                                                                            │
║    The 3D system was started on the Easter holidays and the rest was coded │
║ mostly during the three weeks before the Coven party. As with our previous │
║ production the effects were combined in a real hurry, four days before the │
║ competition. That might be the reason why the demo wasn't properly synced  │
║ during the compo (a whole effect wasn't shown!).                           │
║                                                                            │
║    This is the official release. If you have seen the Party version you    │
║ will notice some changes. I have added a font system and in some effects   │
║ completely remade the graphics which were also rushed. The Mr.Bean rotozoom│
║ had a bug which prevented it from displaying itself in the party release.  │
║ This is hopefully fixed now along with the other 101 bugs. Also, the demo  │
║ no longer crushes with a 'Page Fault' if not run under Win95 (this was not │
║ actually our bug, the Watcom compiler was to blame).                       │
║                                                                            │
║    The Soundtrack was composed by NOR some time ago and he recommends that │
║ you use FT2 with Gravis Ultrasound for the best reproduction.              │
║                                                                            │
║ ╓─────────────┐                                                            │
║ ║ Demo Files. │                                                            │
║ ╚═════════════╛                                                            │
║  The demo files that should come in the ZIP archive are:                   │
║                                                                            │
║  TRANS.EXE -> Executable for the demo.                                     │
║  TRANS.DAT -> Data file.                                                   │
║  TRANS.XM  -> Music file.                                                  │
║  TRANS.TXT -> This text file.                                              │
║                                                                            │
║ ╓────────────────────┐                                                     │
║ ║ Basic Requirements │                                                     │
║ ╚════════════════════╛                                                     │
║  CPU: 486DX 66Mhz                                                          │
║  Graphics: a VGA card                                                      │
║  Memory: 4meg                                                              │
║                                                                            │
║ ╓──────────────┐                                                           │
║ ║ Recommended. │                                                           │
║ ╚══════════════╛                                                           │
║  CPU: Pentium 133Mhz                                                       │
║  Graphics: VGA card with plenty of speed                                   │
║  Sound: A Midas compatible Sound Card.                                     │
║                                                                            │
║ ╓───────────────┐                                                          │
║ ║ Developed on: │                                                          │
║ ╚═══════════════╛                                                          │
║  CPU: Pentium 166Mhz MMX                                                   │
║  Graphics: Diamond Stealth 3D pro                                          │
║  Memory: 32meg (memory should not be a problem)                            │
║  Sound: Sound Blaster 16,                                                  │
║         Gravis Ultrasound Classic (didn't work with MIDAS)                 │
║                                                                            │
║ ╓────────────────────┐                                                     │
║ ║ POSSIBLE PROBLEMS. │                                                     │
║ ╚════════════════════╛                                                     │
║                                                                            │
║ If you have downloaded the right data file and executable and are running  │
║ on 486+ hardware there should be no problems. A clean boot is not required │
║ but may help to speed up the demo. Under Windows the demo flickers and I   │
║ recommend you restart in DOS mode.                                         │
║                                                                            │
║ The sound system requires for you to have the correct 'BLASTER' or         │
║ 'ULTRASND' environment strings. If the sound system does not detect your   │
║ card run the demo with '-config' switch and configure it manually. It is   │
║ also recommended that you disable '16 bit mixing' if the demo runs too     │
║ slow. !The MIDAS sound system didn't work with Gravis Ultrasound Classic   │
║ on our machine. We may release another version of the demo if S2 fix the   │
║ bug in a new version of MIDAS.                                             │
║                                                                            │
║ There is NO intentional code to cause any harm to your system and we can't │
║ be held responsible for any damage that may come to you or your equipment. │
║                                                                            │
║ ╓────────────────────────┐                                                 │
║ ║ AM PRODUCTIONS SO FAR. │                                                 │
║ ╚════════════════════════╛                                                 │
║                                                                            │
║ INFINITY.ZIP -- (Sep,1996) -- pure basic demo with lots of nice effects.   │
║                                                                            │
║ FUZZY.ZIP    -- (Dec,1997) -- an ASM and C demo with more effects          │
║                               plus a small pure Basic demo with some more  │
║                               stuff.                                       │
║                                                                            │
║ WAVE.ZIP     -- (Jul,1998) -- 4k released at Coven '98 coded by NOR.       │
║                                                                            │
║ ╓───────────────────────┐                                                  │
║ ║ AM DEMO GROUP SO FAR. │                                                  │
║ ╚═══════════════════════╛                                                  │
║                                                                            │
║ RubiXcom -- Alfred Glickman -- The guy who calls himself the head coder.   │
║  (RBX)                         Likes to code in BASIC, ASM and C.          │
║                                                                            │
║ NOR      -- Mark Glickman   -- An ASM fan who works consistently and also  │
║                                loves music tracking on Fast Tracker II.    │
║                                                                            │
║ ╓────────┐                                                                 │
║ ║ OTHER. │                                                                 │
║ ╚════════╛                                                                 │
║                                                                            │
║ This demo had won third place at Coven '98.                                │
║                                                                            │
║ All code except for the sound system was written by RubiXcom. No parts were│
║ ripped from example programs. Most of the code in watcom C and ASM. The    │
║ data compressor was coded in BASIC.                                        │
║                                                                            │
║ RBX would like to thank:                                                   │
║             NOR -- for his support and encouragement.                      │
║             ACE -- for countless help with C.                              │
║             Leigh Meyer -- for his comments and suggestions on the demo.   │
║             Organisers of Coven '98 -- for providing the equipment for us  │
║                                        to work on as well as organising    │
║                                        an absolutely fantastic party.      │
║             All the people who have voted for this demo!                   │
║                                                                            │
║ We WILL be back after some rest and relaxation (ie exams and CATS). We     │
║ have decided to release a musicdisk with modules by NOR. We should release │
║ it as soon as we free ourselves from all that school work (ie round about  │
║ November).                                                                 │
║                                                                            │
║ PS - Use Ft2 to find hidden patterns of another song in TRANS.XM           │
║                                                                            │
║ ╓───────────┐                                                              │
║ ║ Contacts. │                                                              │
║ ╚═══════════╛                                                              │
║                                                                            │
║ Email: michg@alphalink.com.au                                              │
║     or rubixcom@mailexcite.com                                             │
║                                                                            │
║ AM Home Page: http://www.alphalink.com.au/~michg/am/index.htm              │
║ or snail-mail to: 1/8 Hotham Grove                                         │
║                   Elsternwick, VIC 3815                                    │
║                   Australia                                                │
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