I wonder how many lives it's saved. 4k exe gfx. Written in Shadertoy, then later in yx's Blossom. I *think* this is my first properly 3d prod. Contains code from yx, Alia, noby, Mercury, iq, and Stack Overflow which has been smooshed together to create a path tracer. Made with with the help of a *lot* of advice from Alia too :) Released at Revision 2021. Revision edition complies to the compo rules, auto version is slightly nicer on large displays, and capture version renders at 4k and with a lot of samples. "draw.frag" is the fragment shader used to path trace, and "present.frag" will combine the passes. It is there so you can see the (terrible) code, the executable itself runs without any other files. On Shadertoy as
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