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Sceneradio Invitation by Wide Load

# Sceneradio invitation by Wide Load
This is a one scene demo submitted for Winter Assembly 2021

# Info
The demo is done using Webgl2 and requires a browser to run. Please run with latest Chrome. Don't run index.html directly from the filesystem - the security implementations of the browser prevent it from loading assets & analyzing audio. Instead follow running instuctions below.

# Running instructions
Run Start.exe. This starts a local web server and opens chrome. 
If you need to manually navigate to the served demo, open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:5000/

You can also run the newest version of the demo from https://sceneradio-invtro.netlify.app/.

# Recording instructions

When recording is made, please use a dpr of 2 if possible performancewise. It will lower the amount of artifacting.
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