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kAOs by Bunch of Craving Kids

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     just a bunch of craving kids disaster,
     what a luvelie 2020.... hmmm... nah


                   for pc
 entrie for intro 64k or undah.. yeah 3.93k is undah

raightie raight, this goes to england. now we have something 
in common - we are the 'difficult' kids in school of europe (im a swissie). 
so it goes, so it goes... 

so this one is a realy bad cover of kaos from the bud brainies.
as it was occupieing a loads of time the memory of my a1000, lettin
paula sing, it defo influenced me.

4klang, compofillar studio suparcolor edition (yeah) & crinklar 
got abused for that.
thanx to: Gopher, pOWL, Yzi, Mentor and Blueberry
...and of course .-you-. ma friend

may 21 be muuuuuch betta - i kiss ya,
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