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Hakkeridemo by Digital Dream

		  A Digital Dream production Hakkeridemo

		   Released on the 28th of March, 1994

 - Hello you all out there! This demo was done for Hakkeri-magazine's
   democompo. (As a sort of an advertisement) It`s our first demo and the
   results are fairly good, better than we even thought we could make.
   (I hope you agree...)
 - The Digital Dream is a demo group including four "hard-working" members
   and those are:

   │ Alias:         │ Real name:           │ Age: │ Profession:      │█
   │ SilentIC       │ Juha Särkijärvi      │ 16   │ MainCoder        │█
   │ Hyperon        │ Antti Rinne          │ 15   │ Coder, PR, Org.  │█
   │ Captain Planet │ Kari Eerola          │ 16   │ Musician         │█
   │ Iluvatar       │ Kari Salminen        │ 15   │ GFX artist       │█

 - If you would like to contact us or if you are interested in coding,
   just send a letter to:

   Antti Rinne          Juha Särkijärvi      Kari Salminen
   Haanojantie 10       Harjantie 1464       Patsaskuja 17
   29600 Noormarkku     29680 Lassila        29600 Noormarkku
   Finland              Finland              Finland

 - Or if you have access to Internet:

   │ Group member:      │ E-Mail address:  │█
   │ Juha Särkijärvi    │ juhas@spt.fi     │█
   │ Antti Rinne        │ hyperon@spt.fi   │█
   │ Kari Salminen      │ karis@spt.fi     │█

  - Here's the list of all files that you should have received:

    DDHACKER.EXE     The demo itself.
    DDMUSIC1.DAT     Music made by Captain Planet.
    DDMUSIC2.DAT     ─── " ───
    DDMUSIC3.DAT     ─── " ───
    DDGRAPH1.DAT     Picture used in bit-map-rotation.
    DDREADME.TXT     The text you are currently reading.
    FILE_ID.DIZ      For BBSs and fun.
    HAKKERI.NFO      Information about Hakkeri-magazine

    And we would appreciate if you would spread this package with the name:


 And some technical information:
 - Requires at least 386SX.
 - 386DX/33 recommended.
 - Supports SB(Pro,16),PAS and GUS.
 - If your computer hangs up when loading or you have problems with music,
   then try running the demo like this ==> ddhacker nomusic

 - We hope you enjoy our « Hakkeridemo »

   Iluvatar, 28th of March, 1994
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