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Etherial Reflections by Twylite FX

║             ____=____           _                     ______    _            ║
║                 |              ( )    _=_            (      \  /             ║
║                 |              |/  '   |  _         /___     \/              ║
║                 (/ (_|_)/ (_)/ (_/ (_/ (/(/_/     /        _/  \_            ║
║                           //                                                 ║
║                          (/                                                  ║
║                                                                              ║
║                   E t h e r i a l   R e f l e c t i o n s                    ║
║                                                                              ║
║ An intro from Twylite FX                                                     ║
║ (c) 1994, Trevor Davel                                                       ║
║                                                                              ║
║ If you would like to contact Twylite FX, you can reach us at                 ║
║   e-mail:  davel@beastie.cs.und.ac.za                                        ║
║   snail:  Trevor Davel                                                       ║
║           4 Irving Place                                                     ║
║           Westville                                                          ║
║           3630                                                               ║
║           SOUTH AFRICA                                                       ║
║   or contact Twylite on Connectix BBS or Cybercomm BBS.                      ║

Twylite FX currently consists only of myself, Trevor Davel (Twylite)

Many thanks to Shaun Johnston (Gigabyte) for providing the music for my first
demo, Hypnosis.

This demo is dedicated to my friends, who have inspired me while coding it, 
and to those dedicated crowds who make their annual pilgramage to the 
Computex '94 Computer Show in Durban.

I would like to thank the person who wrote 'Emphysia', the MOD used in 
Etherial Reflections.

I would like to extend greetings to the following people and groups:

Asphyxia - keep up the great work guys, and I hope to see more demos from you

TIA - well Tombstone, thanx for all that you taught me of Pascal when I was 
  just starting off...I wouldn't be here without you.  And when is your
  megademo being released?

Wipped Creem - c'mon...I expect to see something really good from you guys
  sometime soon...

Purple Insanity - well what can I say?  For being a team we sure seem to be
  taking a while to get out our first demo...look out for our first demo
  with the combined talents of Twylite FX and the Purple guyz

Denthor - sorry, all effects in this demo are trade secrets... :)

Eze - ok...so I never finished that sprite routine...what's the hastle...
  besides, I was too busy getting Etherial Reflections done :)

Nobody - just keep my internet account running properly and I'll be happy...:>

GoTH - <humbly begging appologies> Sorree for not greeting you last time...
  can you *ever* forgive me?  

Brattex - from now on when you upgrade your computer, please chuck the old
  parts this way, ok?  

Pipsy - I suppose this demo should be dedicated to you, because despite the
  short time I had to arrange it, I still got it done on time :)  Of course,  
  I *am* still waiting for those gfx... :)

Trog - next time when I ask for ideas for effects, please give me more than
  a day to code them before the demo has to be done...oh...and please make
  then *possible* :)

Dufus - sorry to disappoint you, but my foot isn't stuck... 

Defier / CoMaster / Vista / whoever you may be now - please warn me of 
  another change in handle BEFORE I do the credits for my next demo :)

Gigabyte - hiya d00d...thanx a mil for the music for the last demo...got
  some of that magic left for another one? 

Ratchet - ditto

Widget - Telkom eh?  So I *hope* my bill for this month is going to be
  *slightly* lower than normal? :)

Zephyr - please do NOT view this demo on your computer...it gives me a 
  bad name :)

Zombie - didn't expect me to greet you did you?  well...I decided that at least
  one of your lies must have some truth, which makes you worthy of at least
  some recognition....i think... :)

Philip (Sysop of Cybercomm) - all I can say is...keep up that one-hellava-BBS
  you got going there!  And if you want a demo done anytime, just yell...

Sysops of Connectix - now correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't internet access
  coming at the end of the month....three months ago??  :)

Well, I think thats all the greetings...if I've forgotten anyone I do 
appologise and you can be happy I didn't make a comment about you... :)

Watch out for the next demo from

  T w y l i t e   F X 

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