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We're Back Redux by House Designs

Welcome to We're Back - The Redux from House Designs!

Why a remake of a 29 year old demo, you might ask?

Simple, when I rewatched it I saw things I felt needed to be addressed and fixed.

First of all, the most important change is that you now can press space to head to the next part instead of typing HOUSE.
Some people didn't read the scroller and never got to enjoy the next parts. 

A very noticable change is that the graphics are now drawn in realtime. The original version had the graphics prerendered
using Simons' Basic and the result was used in the demo. The graphics compared to the original are not 100% the same but
an approximation as I don't have the original source code and wanted to avoid having to work with non-integer values.

Also the digi sound got an overhaul. I noticed when rewatching the original demo that the sample was played back too fast
compared to the original music from Art of Noise. When inspecting with C64Debugger I also found out that the sample was
encoded in such way that there were 2 nibbles in a byte. Unfortunately the original version never used the high nibbles,
which degrades the sample quality. This has been remedied in the redux. 

A small change is that I corrected the alignment of the sprites. The I is smaller than the other characters while I
kept a fixed distance between the sprites, showing a weird gap between the I and the NS.

Because the original demo was coded on a breadbin and I had no idea at that time there were C64C's with a SID chip where 
samples were almost inaubible. This has also been fixed.

The second and third part are unchanged, except that they have been unpacked and repacked using exomizer and the code 
that relocates the parts is not visible on screen. I decided to add them to keep this redux as true as possible to the
original, and the parts never got the love because of the cumbersome way to exit the first part.

Oh, by the way, the new first part is written in KickC instead of an assembler. You might want to check it out at
https://gitlab.com/camelot/kickc/-/tags and the support group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/kickc/

Have a nice evening,
Scan / House Designs
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