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Lords of the Underground BBS (1b)

                _    ___  ___  __   ___     ___  __    ___  _ _  __
               | |  | _ ||  _|| _ \| __|   | _ || _|  |_ _|| | || _|
               | |_ ||_||| |  ||_|||__ |   ||_||| _|   | | |   || _|
               |___||___||_|  |___/|___|   |___||_|    |_| |_|_||__|
              _ _  ____  __   __  ___  ___  ___  ___  _ _  ____  __
             | | ||    || _ \| _||  _|| __||  _|| _ || | ||    || _ \
             | | || || |||_||| _|| |  | |-,| |  ||_||| | || || |||_||
             |___||_||_||___/|__||_|  |___||_|  |___||___||_||_||___/

                          ■ Lords of the Underground ■
                 ■ Node 1: 201-605-8209 ■ Node 2: 201-xXx-xXxX ■
              ■ 100% Custom PcBoard with System Password (Lords95) ■
                   ■ 486/DX2-66 Server with a 486/33SX Client ■
                  ■ 0 Day IBM/HPACVT/Console  2.5+ Gig Online ■
          ■ SysOp: Hitman [ATOMiC Prez] ■ Co's: Dionysus & Romulus ■
       ■ ATOMiC WHQ ■ HERESY Distro ■ Weed! Distro ■ L.O.R.D.S. Distro ■
                          ■ NO RATIOS for all users! ■
                           ■ Enter the Underground ■

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