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Crooklyn BBS (3) by Karma

                         ________(   //_  _\\   )________ (s1)
                    _____\\             \/             //_____
                    \\_._      croOklyn         ____.    _._//
            _________  |    _________     ._____\   |____ |   ._____________
   _________\_____  /_______\   _   /_____|         |   /_____|        _   /_
  _\   __________/     _    _________     .___________________|     ___|     \
 /__________\   \___________\       /_____|     \       /___________\  |______\
                       .                  |______\        .
                     __|_        quality since '94       _|__
                    //____                              ____\\
                         //_______    __/\__    _______\\
                                  (___\\  //___)

             -  ─ ── ───────────+ headquarters +─────────── ── ─   -
                  k a r m a  w o r l d  h e a d q u a r t e r s
               t h e  e d g e  w o r l d  h e a d q u a r t e r s
               g e n o c i d e  w o r l d  h e a d q u a r t e r s
                         iniquity european headquarters
                      circe # devotion # advance # imperial
                         aegis # comic!ascii # woe(zine)

             --    ─ ── ───────────+ support +──────── ── ─   - --
                pvm # 303% dimension # trash # black piramid inc
                               gilden # blacktron

              --    ─ ── ───────────+ member +──────── ── ─   - --
                          remorse # codine # decadence
                            iniquity development team

       -     --  ─ ── ───────────+ information +──────── ── ─  -- -
                        operated by speed freak & skylab
                       co-operated by mankind and hooligan
                           +32-11-27.30.00 @ 33600 bps

              connected to cybercrime international # online games
                        keeping it real since ninety four

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