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Phoenix by Gen-X

│█████████████████████████████████████                                       │
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│█████▀▀▀███ █ █████ █ █████ █ █████ █       ██ █      █       █    ▄▄▄      │
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│█████████████████████████████████████                                       │
│                                                                            │
│           THE FIRST GEN-X APORTATION TO THE PC DEMO SCENE                  │
│                                                                            │
│                                                                            │
│                                                                            │
│  Phoenix: An imaginary (Legendary) bird of ancient times, believed to      │
│           live for 500 years and then burn itself and be born again from   │
│           the ashes. Something that is Phoenix-like returns or is created  │
│           again after seeming to disappear or be destroyed.                │
│                                                                            │

└┘├┐                     SOMETHING LIKE AN INDEX                          ┌┤└┘
· │├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤│ ·
· ├┘                                                                      └┤ ·
· │                ────═══ PRESENTATION SCREEN ═══────                     │ ·
· │                                                                        │ ·
· │                  ────═══ INTRODUCTION ═══────                          │ ·
· │                                                                        │ ·
· │      ────═══ FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT THE DEMO ═══────         │ ·
· │                                                                        │ ·
· │              ■  WHAT TE HELL ARE ALL THIS FILES?                       │ ·
· │                                                                        │ ·
· │              ■  CAN I USE ANY PARAMETER WHEN RUNNING THE DEMO?         │ ·
· │                                                                        │ ·
· │              ■  WHAT DO I NEED TO RUN THE DEMO?                        │ ·
· │                                                                        │ ·
· │              ■  WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT INTERACTIVITY?                  │ ·
· │                                                                        │ ·
┌┐│                                                                        │┌┐

└┘├┐           I · N · T · R · O · D · U · C · T · I · O · N              ┌┤└┘
┌┐├┘                         Written by Sark                              └┤┌┐
┌───┐                                                                     ┌───┐
│ ┌─┼─┐                                                                 ┌─┼─┐ │
  └─┘                                                                     └─┘
   ┌╢  I didn't see it until it was over me, always silent and safe,      ╟┐
   │║  looking around, waiting for the age of the awakening...            ║│
  ┌┼╢  It came, and stood up breaking the monotony and jumping in the     ╟┼┐
  │└╢  scene, ready to launch the signal to the next generation, it was   ╟┘│
  │┌╢  in my computer... Phoenix...                                       ╟┐│
  └┼╢                                                                     ╟┼┘
  ┌┼╢                                                                     ╟┼┐
  │└╢  After having thought a lot about it, I decided to open the third   ╟┘│
  │┌╢  door. I didn't feel very confident, but anyway, sometimes a        ╟┐│
  └┼╢  person must make up his mind and search the right path to follow,  ╟┼┘
  ┌┼╢  his ownway of life, that kind of behaviour that lets you go over   ╟┼┐
  │└╢  and over the same thing, always wondering why all has happened     ╟┘│
  │┌╢  that way... But anyway, it is not what you see, but what you feel  ╟┐│
  └┼╢  when you open the packet, the reason why everybody eats            ╟┼┘
  ┌┼╢  'cornflakes' at breakfast, normally very fast, because they have   ╟┼┐
  │└╢  to do long travels and visit the boss to ask for a rise in         ╟┘│
  │┌╢  salary, always feeling the tension in the atmosphere, but with     ╟┐│
  └┼╢  the wish in their mind, telling themselves, that nobody has a      ╟┼┘
  ┌┼╢  reason to hide from the scene, to climb a mountain or to fall      ╟┼┐
  │└╢  under the water... they are but a point in the space, my little    ╟┘│
  │┌╢  cornflake swimming in the milk, and the outskirts of a vast city,  ╟┐│
  └┼╢  where nobody knows everybody, in which everybody doesn't know      ╟┼┘
  ┌┼╢  anybody and anybody knows nobody, and the man in the middle of     ╟┼┐
  │└╢  the street is not the man that you were looking for, three         ╟┘│
  │┌╢  thousands faces behind the wall, waiting for an improvement in     ╟┐│
  └┼╢  the conditions of the luft, trying to hide from the beings in the  ╟┼┘
  ┌┼╢  space port, beyond the space in the limits between the reality     ╟┼┐
  │└╢  and dreams, flying into the cyberfrontier, opened to a new world,  ╟┘│
  │┌╢  full of new ways of intermedia exploration, signals in the air,    ╟┐│
  └┼╢  minds around the channel table waiting for an entry in the new     ╟┼┘
  ┌┼╢  system and the optic master creating the virtual ways to connect   ╟┼┐
  │└╢  the past with the future, without compatibility, without 640 kb,   ╟┘│
  │┌╢  trying to avoid the end of the game, the end of the beginning, no  ╟┐│
  └┼╢  end without transition, no transition without movement, and the    ╟┼┘
  ┌┼╢  movement is hot, and hot is sometimes your head, over your         ╟┼┐
  │└╢  shoulders, far away, deepin the sky, where your eyes can't see,    ╟┘│
  │┌╢  three stars in the edge, limits broken by the strength of your     ╟┐│
  └┼╢  mind... you see... GEN-X                                           ╟┼┘
  ┌┼╢                                                                     ╟┼┐
  │└╢                         == Postdata ==-                             ╟┘│
  │┌╢                                                                     ╟┐│
  └┼╢  It was lumpish, very lure and also lurid, but nearer it was very   ╟┼┘
  ┌┼╢  lush.                                                              ╟┼┐
  │└╢  He said, it was a lure, but I thought It was too lustrous...       ╟┘│
  │┌╢  Luther came with me (he was very lusty), and with a fast lurch     ╟┐│
  └┼╢  opened the luggage.                                                ╟┼┘
  ┌┼╢  Although, It was ludicrous and lugubrious, the lucre was really    ╟┼┐
  │└╢  only a lure.                                                       ╟┘│
  │┌╢  ¡Lummy! luckily, It was lunch hour...                              ╟┐│
  └┼╢                                                                     ╟┼┘
   │║                                                                     ║│
   └╢                                                                     ╟┘
  ┌─┐                                                                     ┌─┐
│ └─┼─┘                                                                 └─┼─┘ │
└───┘                                                                     └───┘

┌┐├┘                         Written by Sark                              └┤┌┐
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤                 WHAT THE HELL ARE ALL THIS FILES?                       ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤   
├─┤       FILE_ID.DIZ   Standard BBS description of demo.                   ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤       FILE_ID.PCB   PCBoard File Description.                           ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤       PHOENIX.EXE   The demo exe file.                                  ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤       PHOENIX.DAT   The demo's data file.                               ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤       FENIX.EXE     Gen-x ANSI art.                                     ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤       GENX.GIF      Four-in-one Gen-X photo.                            ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤       RELEASE.NFO   This file, information about the phoenix demo.      ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤       GENX.NFO      Information about Gen-X demo group.                 ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤       {TC95#1}.ADD  Information about Techno City.                      ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤       DISTSITE.NFO  Gen-X distro site aplication form.                  ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤          CAN I USE ANY PARAMETER WHEN RUNNING THE DEMO?                 ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤      So easy!                                                           ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤     -n : No music!                                                      ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤                       ├─┤
├─┤                 WHAT DO I NEED TO RUN THE DEMO?                         ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤               ■ CPU 386-40 Mhz Minimum recomended.                      ├─┤
├─┤               ■ 600 free Kb RAM required!                               ├─┤
├─┤               ■ Expanded keyboard (For landscape interactivity)         ├─┤
├─┤               ■ Music card recomended (Not necesary)                    ├─┤
├─┤                  - Soundblaster, SBPro, SB16                            ├─┤
├─┤                  - Gravis Ultrasound                                    ├─┤
├─┤               ■ VGA standard.                                           ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤     This Demo sounds de puta madre:-D with GUS, but with ShitBlaster    ├─┤
├─┤     compatible cards, simply, sucks:-DD                                 ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤     Buy a GUS!!!! It's better!!! Everyone should have one:-D            ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤     Our next productions will only support GUS...                       ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤                   WARNING  486/66 Mhz Users!!!!!!                       ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤      We have encountered some problems when The three-plane pixelate    ├─┤
├─┤      routine is executed in some special conditions on a 486/66.        ├─┤
├─┤      Pray for your processor to be GEN-X compatible! :-D                ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤                    Also is good if you have:                            ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤                ■ 2 serial and a parallel port.                          ├─┤
├─┤                ■ A laser color printer.                                 ├─┤
├─┤                ■ A color scanner and a super music card                 ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤             (probably you will be very happy! :-)))) )                  ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤                WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT INTERACTIVITY?                    ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤      --==≡ SARK (Magic letters and water World Landscape) ≡==--         ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤    I created the x-perspective specially for this landscape to give     ├─┤
├─┤    a special touch to the letters and the water in the landscape.       ├─┤
├─┤    Also it gives the sensation of going across a world ball...          ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤    Yes, there are some keys ready to move the landscape. Here goes      ├─┤
├─┤    something (not all) about it:                                        ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤            F1: Prof1 Level                                             ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤            F2: Undefined!                                              ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤            F3: Too stretched!!!                                        ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤            F4: Snow! Brrr!, very cold! Monkey, cold enough to          ├─┤
├─┤                 freeze the balls of a brass! (slang)                    ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤            F5: World ball, the landscape is a ball! a world ball!      ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤            F6: More ball,faster,Too ball!                              ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤            Cursors: Movement around the Landscape.                     ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤            Space: Back to the automatic movement.                      ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤            Insert: NeverEnding Landscape                               ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤      Perhaps there are more keys, I hope you discover it!!!             ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤
├─┤           Thank you Hammet for your fill routine!                       ├─┤
├─┤                                                                         ├─┤

See you on next release                                                     

  Have a nice day!

Normal and crazy Text by SARK 

Ascii by Evil Ernie.

Note: This is our first production, so, don't be cruel:-DD 

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