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ultra.VIOLET: Advanced Mach-10 Racing by Suricrasia Online [web]

 !!!! please cat this file in your terminal !!! (B
 ///// Welcome to a sizecoding demo by /////

   ΓûùΓûäΓûÇ    ΓûæΓûêΓûêΓûêΓûêΓûêΓûäΓûû
  ΓûƒΓûÿ        ΓûÆΓûêΓûêΓûêΓûêΓûêΓûÖ
 ▐           ▒█████▌   suricrasia(B
 Γûî   ΓûüΓûüΓûü    ΓûüΓûæΓûôΓûêΓûêΓûêΓûêΓûê
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      Connecting your world, whenever!Γäó
 |                                         |
 | "ultra.VIOLET: Advanced Mach-10 Racing"(B |
 |       An audio demo in 256 bytes        |
 |            for x86-64 linux             |

       code and music by blackle mori(B

 ///// A Note: /////////////////////////////

 Holy shit this nfo file is already bigger
 than the demo! what the fuck!!! Last time I
 tried this I couldn't get my program less
 than 2k! but I kept trying and here we are!

 I actually have 17 bytes leftover after
 optimizing, so I used them as a little
 watermark "tag" type thing of my username.
 Try using `hexdump -C` to see the text that
 I hid inside this demo! {^wvw^}

 ///// Dependencies: ///////////////////////

  - linux
  - aplay (if you run ubuntu or debian this
            should already be installed)

 ///// Instructions: ///////////////////////

 Execute from your terminal, it plays on a
 loop until you ctrl+c! Also, set your comp
 volume to ~30% because it runs loud!

 ///// Please Enjoy! ///////////////////////

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