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Chrome 2 by Abaddon [web]

        - - -     
    - - - A - - -              
        / | \                             -=|*>  P R E S E N T S
 OO   /   |   \   OO    OO  
  O /     |     \ O     O               -=|*>  a new Ray Tracing intro
  OoOo. .oOoO .oOoO .oOoO .oOOo.OoOOo. 
  O   O O   O O   O O   O O    O O   O        -=|*>  by TomCat @szif.hu
 oOOoO' `OoOOo`OoOOo`OoOOo`OooO'oOo oOo
                                                            CALLED ...

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        ▓▒░  ▓▒░▓▒░   ▓▒░▓▒░  ▓▒░  ▓▒░  ▓▒░ ▓▒▒    ▒▒░▓▒░       ▓▒░  ▓▒░
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 /=/=/=/  C R E D I T S  /=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/

  All code by Tamas Kaproncai alias TomCat/Abaddon. Charset by David Taletovics
alias G.O.D./Abaddon. The original design of the motion came from my girlfriend
Izabella Levai. She is not satisfied the results, but you know the rules of the
4kb intro competition (4k size & 550k mem). CHROME2 use ideas from cool guys at
the raytracing scene, best regards to: Paul Heckbert, Malcolm Taylor, Andrew S.
Glassner, Eric Haines, Stephen B.Coy, Christopher D.Watkins and Norbert Dombi.

 /=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/  T E C H - I N F O R M A T I O N S  /=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/

  The CHROME2 use the VESA 112H video mode and the number of horizontal lines
reduced by the 3d4H/9 register. In this case you got 16 million colors.
  The CHROME2 also works on non-true-color VGA cards. In this case the mode is
tweaked video mode with 320*480 resolution. Every color got three pixels one
for the red, one for the green and one for the blue components. Every component
has 64 different intensities. So your eye can see 262144 different colors.
  You can switch off the true color mode by the parameter: !

The number of traced rays...
- at the title screen: 640*240
- at the precalculated part: 288*102
- at the realtime part: 144*102

The maximum recursion level is 3. The number of the precalculated frames is 6.

New features done sine CHROME (the 4th 4kb intro at ASM'95):
- true color emulation
- cone object
- shadow cache
- shooting table
- 3D checker texture

  The code of CHROME2 was optimized for the FPU of the Intel Pentium. It meens
the code uses the FXCH instruction intensivly. So you shouldn't try to run it
nor with an FPU emulator, neither on an i387 compatible coprocessor.

 /=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/  G R E E T I N G S  /=/=/=/

    Absolute!           AstroideA           Acme
    Bacteria            Biohazard           Capacala
    ByTeam              CaPaNÑa             C.O.M.A.
    Controlled Dreams   Criminal Gang       Complex
    Enlightenment       Emperor             Halcyon
    Eternal Project     Exhumers            Iguana
    Faculty             FiRg                Imphobia
    Frame 18            gRiF                Legend Design
    Hydrogen            Majic 12            Nooon
    Mandula             PROFIK              Oxygene
    Promise!            Remal               Plant/EMF
    Renegades           Shock!              Psyhic Link
    Therapy             TNG                 Pulse
    TSi                 Unicorn             Rage PC
    Unique PC           Urinate             Valhalla
                                             Kaproncai Tamás     (o o)
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