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zerosphere FINAL by Code Red

                 __  _______________
                /_/ /______________/  Z E R O S P H E R E

                       _ ___::_  _::___ ____
                       \\\__  /_ \___ /_ __ \_ _
                          /____/  ::\__/_____///
                            ::    ::
                            [sphere] :[code red]:

                                            _________  __
                F I N A L   V E R S I O N  /________/ /_/


                code and graphics ...... losso / code red
                music ............... eha / smash designs

                            additional credits

                protracker playroutine .. frank phx wille
                shrinkler ........... blueberry / loonies
                startup code .......... stingray / scarab
                winuae toolchain ...... hannibal / lemon.
                ascii logo ...................... bastard
                beta testing ... my nephews maxi and fabi
                dungeon stone tiles .......... locomalito
                player physics model ..... sonicretro.org

                                tools used

                graphics ... deluxe paint, personal paint
                music .......... milkytracker, protracker
                level ed, iff conv ............... custom
                dev tools .................. vasm, winuae

                              closing words

                i've been working on this game off and on
                since early 2013. winning the interactive
                compo at evoke 2015 certainly was quite a
                surprise -- especially since the game was
                still in a very alpha state. on the other
                hand, it was also a motivation to deliver
                a proper, final version that does justice
                to this award.

                since the party version, the game has got
                high scores, nicer "get ready" screens, a
                set of in-game sound effects, a bazillion
                less bugs, new level background tiles for
                the lab and dungeon settings, collectable
                extras, more enemies, goofy player sprite
                when jumping, and -- maybe most important
                of all -- the vertical stretch effect has
                become much less "eyecancer-y".

                i hope this has evolved into an enjoyable
                litte game. sorry for any remaining bugs!

                have fun!                           losso
                                            december 2015

                p. s.: there are no cheat codes anywhere!

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