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Faux Processing by Bon^2 [web]

   █████████████▄ ▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▄  Release no. 0005
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   ████████████████▀ ▀███████████████▀ ██             ██   In Bun We Trust

    ┌──┤advertisement├─────────────────────────────────────────── ──── ─── ── ─
    │ (ZanaGB Speaking)
    │ If you, or someone you know needs some cute artwork done, for cover
    │ arts, posters, mugshots, and the like, please consider taking a look at
    │ my dA gallery @ http://zanagb.deviantart.com/ to see if anything catches
    │ your interest. I am basically always open for commissions, and, honestly
    │ I need to get some income myself. (also I guess this will help me be
    │ a tad more visible out there). If you are further interested, you can
    │ contact me at Tailsko-Anita@outlook.com
    ┌──┤preface├───────────────────────────────────────────────── ──── ─── ── ─
    │ (TomoAlien Speaking)
    │ This one was designed mostly by ZanaGB. It took quite a long time to
    │ put together, mainly because ZanaGB was busy with other things, such as
    │ commisions.
    │ She wanted to make a Sega Mega Drive demo, but since I can't code 68k,
    │ we had to go with a different route... faux retro, or retraux.
    │ With some RT trickery, I managed to make a 320x240 renderer with 512
    │ color limit. Yes, no shaders were used to do this and the dither.
    │ This demo took 4 months to make and clogged my C: partition with backup
    │ files of this demo, so I cleaned those out. I was backing the demo up
    │ myself, and only used the autobackups once.
    │ Truth be said, one of the months was spent doing nothing. Well, shucks!
    │ Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy this demo as much as we enjoyed making it!
    │ And remember: In Bun We Trust!
    │ (ZanaGB Speaking)
    │ Here are some fun facts about the development of Faux Processing:
    │ - Before "DZTRT" was done, after talking about what we should do next.
    │   we ended up planning most of the demo. In fact. 2 scenes were already
    │   made for the then unnamed demo. One of which would be used as a
    │   placehholder during the entirety of the demo. I miss the BunCube now.
    │ - In case you are reading this before opening the file, this demo is a
    │   Love / Fuck-You letter to many of the things I adore and used to be
    │   trying to work on. As such it's a bit different in comparision to all
    │   of our previously released demos. I think that's a good thing.
    │ - That is also the point. Tom has his particular, quirky style and many
    │   people seems to forget that I am on the backstage; looking for things
    │   that aren't looking alright, providing suggestions, testing the demos
    │   in different crappy hardware, and so on.
    │   With me taking basically full control over this production, we intend
    │   to let everyone know that, indeed, we are two people working on these
    │   things. To top it off, our styles vary significantly. So it also helps
    │   keep things fresh. I honestly hope this is a welcomed change.
    │ - This demo was originally scheduled for the 2nd week of August, but it
    │   ended up being finished on October 10, as a result of that I spent a
    │   lot of the time either doing commissioned art for others, or fighting
    │   to get my depressed ass back on track. Tom also had a few weak days
    │   ( we all do ), but at the end, I am the only one responsible for being
    │   so late. On the bright side of things, now we get the chance to finally
    │   submit this demo on DemoSplash 2015. So it worked out after all.
    │ - Another fun fact is the music. JRedd kindly let us use one of his songs
    │   ( ucollective.org/audio/Jredd/limitless+sega+genesis/ ) on our demo. so
    │   we tried to take the most of it. However, the original track was 4:26
    │   so i mastered it again ant trimmed it down to 2:36 ( The volume was
    │   kinda funky on the source so i fixed that too ). Tom removed some
    │   potentially headache inducing frequencies later on, too.
    │   Funnily enough, Tom originally thought that making a sub 3 minute demo
    │   would be too short. Back when I made the trim I already planned most
    │   of the scenes to fit within that time, but the dubstep part was still
    │   missing. So, in retrospective, I feel like I did the right thing on
    │   trimming two minutes off the original song.
    │ - After an argument with a certain cowardly buffoon, I made up a
    │   challenge for him, which was successfully accepted.
    │   Now I'm doing my part, as promised.
    ┌──┤metadata├──────────────────────────────────────────────── ──── ─── ── ─
    │   Demogroup: bon² (Bon^2 on Pouet and anywhere else without unicode)
    │   Prod name: Faux Processing
    │   Prod type: Demo
    │     Runtime: 2 minutes 40 seconds
    │        Date: November 2015
    │       Party: Demosplash 2015
    │    Demotool: Werkkzeug 1.2 by Farbrausch
    │      Design: TomoAlien & ZanaGB
    │    Graphics: ZanaGB & TomoAlien
    │  Storyboard: ZanaGB
    │       Music: Jredd
    │   Mastering: ZanaGB (for the demo)
    │     Testing: ZanaGB
    │     Support: ZanaGB
    ┌──┤greetings├─────────────────────────────────────────────── ──── ─── ── ─
    │ Gargaj, sigflup, Forcer, TRSI, Planet Earth, ASD, Quite, Haujobb,
    │ Booze Design, Hokuto Force, Fairlight, Crest, Titan, Trilobit, Triad,
    │ PWP, Reality, Paradise, g0blinish, Spaceballs, Desire, Mandarine,
    │ Farbrausch, Still, Mercury, Meteoriks Organizers, DMA, ilmenit, RSI,
    │ Princess Luna, Baudsurfer, Starchaser and others we forgot
    ┌──┤members├───────────────────────────────────────────────── ──── ─── ── ─
    │ TomoAlien, ZanaGB
    ┌──┤links├─────────────────────────────────────────────────── ──── ─── ── ─
    │ bon² website:
    │ http://bon2.untergrund.net/
    │ bon² on Pouet.net:
    │ http://www.pouet.net/groups.php?which=12302
    │ bon² on demozoo.org:
    │ http://demozoo.org/groups/50138/
    │ Jredd on SoundCloud:
    │ https://soundcloud.com/jredd
    │ Jredd's album on Bandcamp:
    │ http://cheapbeatsmusic.bandcamp.com/album/the-next-level
    ┌──┤special greetings├─────────────────────────────────────── ──── ─── ── ─
    │ These are greetings given for special reasons. In chronological order:
    │ Sensenstahl, Fra, Starchaser

                                                              nfo by TomoAlien
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