Quadtrip Planet Reconfigurator by Quadtrip
quadtrip planet reconfigurator a demo for windows code: mankeli + visy design: visy + zov music: zov gfx: bracket 3d: spiikki uses text shader from xtibor uses gnu rocket for sync and animation uses sfml, tinyobjloader and libbass for gfx + sound code based on chocolux source code once again heavily depending on feedback artifacts to engage a more chaotic and unpredictable result. unlike some programmers we don't really care about some things being out of our control, as long as our level of control is at least sufficient to produce something that evolves with its glitchy quirks as composition layers are added. just because you enjoy that something is clean, separate and reproducible means that it is even necessary for other types of demo programming methods. in short, there's no wrong way to do this, as long as the end result is what the authors intended and wanted it to be. everything else is a matter of taste. greetings to all cool democreators & our friends around the world.
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