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the last broadcast by Sensenstahl

     ..%&&&&#.._,                    ,.%º&%$%%&&&&ºº@º!
#     º&%@&º&&%&                         %ºº$$%%@&&%@$&#
#  #  i&@%º &ºº*     ;.,            +    ºl%ººº%@&&@$%r
#      º%$r j%$       "  +++   .~        " ººº@$$$$%%$@─
#       %$   $r                  .     .   %%$$$$%%@@$@º
#       $r   j     .      -                l%%%&&&&$@Rº*
#       $                                   %@ººº$$$@$º"
#    +  $    they  left for an expedition   %@%23╡º$$º$'
#       *    into the  unknown  depths of   &º%3  º&@º&
#       "    of this new  continent  that   &&rt  $%@$º
.~~~ ~  '.   had  risen  out of  nowhere.   $$r   $%&r
#            its name:     _ darwinia II.   $ºr!  º%%%
#          =                                $r !  *l&$
#      '.    after a  few  days  the live   $*    " $º
#            transmission        suddenly   º  .  ' º$
#           _stopped    and_   the   team   ;       $º
#      ,     disappeared without a trace.   ;   ==  º*
#     ::.    what you are about to see is   ;  '    #'
#       ,    the   last   digital  signal   ;      _#'
#   .      ,:right   before  the   event.   ;     ,_#
#          !!.*;':,                              #__.
#          '.this":is the  last broadcast +_        #
#         ":.+:":     ;   "     .____       '  *.   #
"____     ,.   ,      ;    .    !               ' --:
#         !           ;                         '   #
#  =======!===========;===========================  #
#         !                 :                       #
#         !                               ..    *   #
#  ''''   !        .                      .';;_'**  #
#    +    !      the last_ broadcast        ';;.,   #
*#_                !.                     :     '   #
   #            [ into  the unknown ]    *~~        #
 #" ,              !       "              ""'      ~'
#           +      !              ::        '       #
#               ___'_______________!__              #
#  ,:. !!          '       ,:      !            --  #
#   :;;*           .         '     !                #
#    !!                            !                #
#    !'     a 256b intro  for artway 2o12     ., ---'
#    *                ;            !          *     #
"~~~~~~__         code: sensenstahl!    .           #
#     .               ;            '    "**  .      #
#    .~        ==     .                  *;;   ~   ~"
#                                                   #
#             greetings and respect to:             #
#           artway / lft /  ctrl-alt-test           #
#~              rrrola / fsqrt  / ind          +    #
#    !;  .    ___and_ all sizecoders          ++    #
#    ',,,,.     .  |                    .           #
#   .',;.:"'       |                   ;*,          #
#   ..,;;:,'       |      %            ",           #
#    ".;;"*        |     % %                 ;      #
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#  #    $"#                                      #  #
#      ,+ #       ===                    +          #
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