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Prosaic by Bohemiq

					p r o s a i c
					b o h e m i q

					a windows dΘmo :)

-- info

This is a demo that was never quite finished. We only had one concept screen.
The idea was that all effects would be controlled by parameters that were connected to the
FFT analysis of the music.
Why release it now? Well, why not?
It also has a 64-bit version. That is quite rare today even, but this stuff dates from 2006 :)

-- credits

code 	-	scali
graphiqs	-	maali
musique	-	khrome

-- requirements

-	A Windows PC with DirectX 9 installed and a DX7 class videocard (GeForce2/Radeon 7000-ish)

Zut, c'est tout... au revoir!

bohemiq - nous sommes tres bonbon.
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