What That Screen by NeXT [web]
======================================== What's That Screen (aka Big Scroll) ======================================== A long lost Atari ST demo made for Fraggle's 'Bird Mad Girl Show' ======================================== Release date: Sometime in 1992 ======================================== __ __ _______ /\ \ \___\ \/ /__ \ / \/ / _ \\ / / /\/ / /\ / __// \ / / \_\ \/ \___/_/\_\\/ ======================================== About this demo: ======================================== When we were busy working on the Phaleon demo, we received a screen from The Fraggle's. After some bug fixing their screen was finally accepted in the demo. Few month later they asked us if we would like to participate to their own new demo the "Bird Mad Girl Show". We agreed but said that we would probably not have the time to make something brand new and exciting, that it would probably contain some old recycled code. After digging in my floppies I found out that I had still a number of unreleased things, made from between 1988 and 1990. Nothing awesome, but put together could be used to make some kind of multipart demo. So I took the original "Big Scroll" that I wrote in 1998 as the basis, optimizing it so I could add a modplayer and the Space Invaders game on top of it. For the intro sequence both the 3D TTZP and DBUG were also made before I joined NeXT (The DBUG vectorballs become later the rotating NeXT logo in the Charts 2). The speech synthesis comes from the good old SPEECH.TOS. You can see the demo it was supposed to be in there: - http://pouet.net/prod.php?which=18720 ======================================== The credits: ======================================== * SPEECH.TOS and MODPLAYER by their respective authors (can't remember and the source code is lost, sorry) * Music composed by FFT * Rest (code and graphics) by Dbug ======================================== To contact us: ======================================== Dbug - dbug@defence-force.org - http://www.defence-force.org irc: #atari.fr, #atariscne on IRCnet Other productions by NeXT: - http://pouet.net/groups.php?which=224 Other productions by Defence-Force: - http://pouet.net/groups.php?which=308
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