Nutz?! by Hyperopia [web]
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Our production, up to the number 2C can be found on A.C.E CD #3. For all information about A.C.E. CD #3 contact: ■ july 1996 2D Urban ·················· music by pyc (xm, 18chn) ········ ! ■ august 1996 2E Nutz?! ················· demo ······························ ■ W H Q a n d d i s t r i b u t i o n s i t e s ■ ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── A.C.E ························ France ················ + 33 1 4588 7548 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── The Court Of Justice ········· Belgium ··············· + 32 3 448 2173 The Velvet Demosite ·········· Belgium ··············· + 32 3 385 1594 AltConn BBS ·················· Brazil ················ + 55 11 816 2031 Codex ························ Finland ··············· +358 0 512 1413 Scenet ······················· Hungary ··············· + 36 1 228 2883 Blue Nose Production ········· Netherlands ··········· + 31 34 561 9401 Digital Violence ············· Netherlands ··········· + 31 38 421 4996 The Oase ····················· Netherlands ··········· + 31 30 606 7278 Quazar ······················· Netherlands ··········· + 31 70 391 2113 Count Zero ··················· Norway ················ + 47 55 122 962 Spacebar ····················· Norway ················ + 47 64 933 499 Under the Sun BBS ············ Spain ················· + 34 6 361 0206 The UnderWorld ··············· Switzerland ··········· + 41 22 776 9331 The Arcane Asylum ············ USA ··················· + 1 41 4544 4965 Ecstasy ······················ Yugoslavia ············ +381 22 53 884 Internet: If you want to become our distro site you: 1. Must fill in this form and send it by email to: ( Board name: Country: City: Sysop real name: Sysop handle / group: Sysop internet email: Nodes: Phone numbers: 2. If you become our distro site , must inform your users of our production, and allow everyone to download it (free!). ■ C o n t a c t ■ ───────────────────── H y p e r o p i a ─────────────────────────────────────────────── A u g u s t 1 6 , 1 9 9 6
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