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Wee Wee Special by Dildo Fatwa [web]

       @@@@@   @@@@@@@   @@@@@@@   @@@@@@@  @@@    @@@@@@    @@@
      !@@      @@   @@@  @@       !@@       @@!   @@!  @@@   @@!
       :@@!!   @!@@!@!   @!!!:!   !@!       !!@   @!@!@!@!   @!!
          !:!  !!:       !!:      :!!       !!:   !!:  !:!   !!:
      ::.: :'  :'        :'::.::   ::.::.:  :'    ':'  :':   :'::.:.:

   @@@  @@@  @@@  @@@@@@@  @@@@@@@         @@@  @@@  @@@  @@@@@@@  @@@@@@@
   @@!  @@!  @@!  @@!      @@!             @@!  @@!  @@!  @@!      @@!
   @!!  !!@  @!@  @!!!:!   @!!!:!  @!@!@!  @!!  !!@  @!@  @!!!:!   @!!!:!
    !:  !!:  !!   !!:      !!:              !:  !!:  !!   !!:      !!:
     ::.:  :::    :.::.::  :.::.::           ::.:  :::    :.::.::  :.::.::

                            _                    _
                           )%( Tha Reedme Fiel! )%(
       .### ######.     _____________________
      .###  ########   | Beginning the first |
      ### \__. ._/ )   |  bit, blahblah!     |
      {.  ( @ : @)(    ': ___________________'
       #      \    )   /_/
       ,    _\_)_  \
        \  \_____/  )
         )         /

Oh blimee,and here wee ar agane! Teh Megga  mieghty  Dildoo Fatwaz ar bak in a
all new prodduckion for Outlien '08, the revenge  of the attari partie and all

Its bene  neerly  two yeres now  since our last relapse,  appart from Ferlease
bravelly holding teh forrt  at teh  last Outlien,  alltho we dident mannage to
atend in perrson. Stil,  teh crieys  wer geting louder for a  propere demmo of
soem kind, so it wass tiem to ackt.

Wat yu are geting is a projeckt wich has bene expeccted for awhile, naemly the
folow-up to the 'CHARCOLE ERLY YERES' intro, where teh pessky ELSPA  kidz from
that intro,  dident get  teh  hint  first  tiem around wehn I gaev them a gude
kiking  for  their  lipp at teh marrket stal! This  tiem arround,  they do teh
nastiez on their math teecher who is borring them. So sortof mixxed felings on
my parrt, as I haet  teh  litel basstards on teh one hand. On teh otther, nice
atack on teh skoolsystem! (Note - This is teh 2nd atempt at readwee,as Deafjam
sat next to us  at teh Outlien parrtie, and swiched  off my power,  cheres for
that maet!!)

Wot hapened to al teh  other prommised stuffs, I hear yu crie?  Wel it all fel
appart in a see of  drunkken inttrospection. It mai stil hapen one day, but we
ar neding teh help of cerrtain kompettent interrested parrties!

      .'    (_.  `.   _______________
     (______/  '_  ) | So who was it |
      :(@ )\( @) \/  | who did what? |
      |    _)     }  ': _____________'
      (   _____   )  /_/
       ( \_____/ )
        '__    __'
        /  ----  \

Ferlease,for teh wikked asski as usuall, thanks  for  revissiting teh scean of
yur past criem and improvving on it!

Pongo, who triedd that bit harrder on teh zik,for teh luky STe peeple, ther is
an exxtra tuen!  Alsso  horrible  mentions for  efectiv  usege  of teh kommedy

Me,I, Charcole, for aranging and puting together as ussual!

       /            \     ________________
     (((    .  .    )))  | Bah! It's the  |
      \\ \__    __/ //   | greetings part!|
      \ / @ \__/ @ \ /   ': ______________'
      {=\___/--\___/=}   /_/
       \ _    \   _ /
        '.   '_)  .'
         .  ______ .
         ( '-----' )

To al teh orrganizers  at  outlien  '08  for keping  teh  faith and pressenting
anothere eddition of this graet parrtie!

Al Attari peeple who maed it heer, its bene too long witthout yu guyz!

Komizerations to teh Attari peeple who culdnt maek it...  Speshial big shoutout
to Sparehen Three, get wel soone mate!

And  I gues  to  al teh  otthers in teh partie, teh Peecee guys and Pouet fans,
gretings to yu al too! Esp Skribbel, who is loking forrwards(?) to this!

                      / __________'
  .--------------.     . _/  '::::.
  | THIS IS OUR  |     |@  )   } ''
  | FINAL WORD!  |    /           :
  '____________  |     '____      )
               \_\     _____/ '  '
                       \         .
                         ___ |___|

Haet leving it untill teh parrtie to finnish  teh  reedme, feles like "Teh real
partie is ellsewhere?" So I'll stopp heer.

 Charcole for DF, Mai 2nd 2008..
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