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Digital Sonic by mfx [web]

                          - DIGITAL SONIC -

                      (yes, the name is a joke)



                        Information about MFX

                   (final assembly 95 partyrelease)

                          TABLE OF CONTENTS

        1.   Introduction

        2.   System requirements/Getting started

        3.   Crew status

        3.1  Previous releases

        4.   How on earth we managed to create this demo?

        5.   Support sites

        6.   Copyright License

        6.1  The same for you non-bureucrats

        7.   Plans for the future

1.   Introduction

       Well, this is our second demo and it took us about 4 months to create
   it, though most of the work was done during the last month. We tried to
   make this as music-video-like as possible.

       In case you didn't know what demos are like then I'll tell you a
   couple of things. Usually most of the things you see on the screen
   are real-time calculated (like in this demo) that is, every pixel
   movement is calculated every time you run it, although there are some
   easy tricks used. So the effects can find their way quite easily to a
   game, for example. The main idea is usually to do something that people
   think is impossible. Most of the demos, like this one(?), don't have any
   design, though.

2.   Getting started/System requirements:

       Running the demo is easy. Just type `digit' in the DOS and hit <ENTER>.
   Then, answer the questions made about sound/video card..

       Though the demo may run on slower machines, we suggest that you use
   a 486/66MHz or a better computer. Also, a soundcard is needed to hear the
   music (but not for syncronization). We suggest that you use a Gravis
   Ultrasound or a SoundBlaster compatible soundcard for this purpose. The
   demo also needs a fast VGA, a couple of MB's of hard disk space and 600KB
   of free random access memory. You don't need much EMS/XMS because it runs
   in real mode. That's why this should work with or without
   EMM386/QEMM/386MAX. Haven't tested all of them, though.
   (BTW, midas uses some EMS.. not really very much, but you may need some
   more free RAM under 1M if you don't have any)

       This demo powerfully demonstrates the capabilities of your PC.
   Therefore it naturally tries to take everything out of it, and that's
   why it's quite badly programmed. We mean that although the code is
   rather quick, it is also buggy and very unportable. This program really
   likes to tweak your monitor. By "tweaking" we mean that it uses, for
   example, non-standard resolutions like 400x480 and 256x400. So if your
   machine is not at least ..say.. 99% compatible with the one we made this
   demo, it might not work in a way it should. If this is the case with your
   computer, just watch it somewhere else:)

       We have not tested how this demo runs under windows or OS/2. This demo
   is designed to be run under DOS and we strongly suggest you not to run it
   under windows. ..well we probably don't even have to tell any idiotic
   jokes about windows, you'll guess what we are thinking about it anyway..

3.    Crew status

   alias:     function:      (secondary function:)

   216:       coding         (organizing)
   1in10:     composing      (gfx)
   Uncle-X:   gfx            (composing)

3.1  Previous releases:

   name:            date:         size (about):  comment:

   MFXRULEZ.ANS     ??.??.??      900 000        raytraced ansi-animation
                                                 ..useless, big, cool etc.
                                                 just type it.

   REMIX.EXE        10.3.95       2 500 000      Our first demo, quite bad.

   Olympos bbs addy (not sure)    little         a very sad attempt for a
                                                 bbs addy

   MFX_DS.ZIP       13.8.95       815 000        Our second demo, Digital
                                                 Sonic, a lot better than
                                                 Remix. To be released at
                                                 Assembly 95.
                                                 (and possibly even shown
                                                 on the big screen;)

4.   How on earth we managed to create this demo?

       Well this demo was coded on BP7 (well maybe using a couple of asm
   directives) (there was one part written in 100% pascal, guess which one).
   The music was done with ST3.2, using Midas soundsystem for playback, and
   the samples were edited with digiplayer 3.0 beta. The GFX were done with
   Deluxe Paint 2 and Povray 2.2, the 3d objects were done with/ripped from
   3DStudio. Some images were edited with Photopaint and PSP 3.0.

       The car in the end of this demo is a modified version of the chevy.3ds
   file from 3d studio. We needed an object with lots of polygons
   (noin 30000, pakko sanoa, repikää siitä=) and didn't have the time nor
   the skills to create anything better.

5.   Support sites:

   BBS name    software   number(s)       sysop             status

   Olympos     PCBoard    +358-0-5041635  Immo the mortal   WHQ

   If you have any comments or if you want your bbs to become a distsite
   /xxHQ/something, please leave us a message at olympos. (saa sinne
   soittaa ihan muuten vaankin, jos osaa messuta;)


  This material is not freeware. You are allowed to copy it without
  restrictions for non-commercial use.

  No payment of any kind may be charged for this product or any combination
  of products or services including this product without our authorization
  and official written license.

  Commercial use, especially the industrial manufacturing on any data
  storage media and their distribution without the expressed permission of
  the producer, is strictly prohibited.

  This program or the data files contained therein may not be altered or
  modified without the permission of the author.

  You take full responsibility for the operation of this software and any
  consequences thereof. We the creators can not accept liability for damages
  or failures arising from the use of this software.

6.1  The same for you non-bureucrats

  -You can spread this demo, but not sell it.

  -If your life gets somehow ruined, don't blame us even if we were
     guilty. It's of no use.

  -Tampering with the data files will be considered LAME

7.   Plans for the future

      The only plan that exist at the moment is that Uncle-x and 1in10
  are planning of making a musicdisk. From that on we do not have any real
  plans. I (216) am probably doing something less important like a ray-tracer
  or something.. Of course our group will get bigger/more famous/richer/less

8.   Greetings

  We would like to greet the following people/groups:

      - Snowman / Abacus
      - Friction / Acumen
      - Mercenary / Acumen
      - Forset / Coral
      - Ripple / Inside
      - Rainmaker / Mewlers etc

 216 & Uncle-x / mfx
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