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Beanie Fighter by Hikey

Beanie Fighter - by Hikey
A 96KB game compo entry for Breakpoint 2008 Digital Garden

The story:
You're a ninja. There's some guys in your way. Ah well, you'll just
have to kill them.

How to play:
WASD:    Move the character.
Control: Slow-mo. Like bullet-time but without the copyright issues.
Shift:   Accelerate. You're likely to wack yourself against a wall.
C:       Fake a hit, you don't take damage but you lose a bit of time.
Mouse:   Aim, the further the cursor, the harder you'll throw.
Left button:  Throw a rock, a shuriken or a grenade.
Right button: Switch weapons.

Supports game PADs.

There are 3 builds:
- BeanieFighter is the compatible version.
- BeanieFighterSmp is the multicore version, will max out all CPUs.
- BeanieFighterSmpProfile shows the profile information for programmers.
  See beanie.hikey.org after Breakpoint '08 for details.

Command line arguments:
-w: open the game in a window.
   Default is fullscreen at the desktop resolution.
-l level.txt: Load a custom level from level.txt. See below for the format.
   Default is to use only embedded levels.
-tl: Set the texture quality to low.
-tm: Set the texture quality to medium.
   Default is high quality, which can be slower on some machines.

How to create a level:
Levels are created in ASCII in a text editor. The following characters are
X   Solid wall
'   Solid wall, top half
.   Solid wall, bottom half
-   Solid wall, thin
T   Solid wall with tree on top
H   Hero, that's you if I'm not mistaken
G   Guard, he's out to get you
B   Boss, he's the target
A   Spike of death
C   Crate

All the lines must be the same length. There is a header with the following
Screen size: two integers. 6 3 are good values. Experiment.
K: The number of kills
0 to 9: Some text to display
S: Survival mode, set the time in seconds
C: Chase mode, set the time in seconds
D: Everybody is dead, not very useful
N: No AI

Example level:

---- do not include this line ----
6 3
XX 0    X
---- do not include this line ----

Copy this text into a file called custom.txt and run:
BeanieFighter.exe -l custom.txt
In the menu, choose "Level Selection" -> "Load From File"

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