Testimony of the Ancients #1 by Circle of Tyrants
Circle of Tyrantz Proudly Present Testimony of the Ancients Issue #1 Code by Delta Ray^Cot Gfx by Vital^Cot Musix by R-Taz^Cot Article's by Lots of People Edited by Asgorath^Cot [ Introduction ] Welcome to this first issue of the official disk magazine of Circle of Tyrantz. In comparison with a lot of other diskmags, we will rarely talk about 'the scene'. The Testimony is here to support complete and utter nonsence :). No, but really, we are more interrested in nice stories and stuph than that 'scene' bullshit. [ The Config ] When you want to configure for a new soundcard you must delete the .CFG file. (By the way: For the music system, complete credits go to the MIDAS SoundSystem.) [ Disclaimer ] [ Coding part - the program ] No way this program could ever damage anything, but cause i don't want to be suckered into something i'll just have to write it. Anyway i (Delta Ray) or Circle of Tyrants cannot be held responsable for any damage created by the use of this program. Ohyeah, there may NEVER be asked money for this program. If you want to put this program on a CD-Compilation or something like that, you MUST ask permission of the creator of this program (that is me, Delta Ray). [ Gfx part ] If for some reason the gfx burn down your screen, or damage something in anyway or makes you blind, Tuff luck, Vital or Circle of Tyrants cannot be held responsable for any damage created by the Gfx in this program. You may also not use the gfx for any other thing unless Vital gives you permission. [ Musix part ] If for some reason the music destroy your sound system, or damage something in anyway, dammage your hearing Tuff luck, R-taz or Circle of Tyrants cannot be held responsable for any damage created by the music in this program. You may also not use the music or samples for any other thing unless R-taz gives you permission. [ Articles part ] If an article in anyway does dammage (Hardware or Mentally) neither the writer or Cirlce of Tyrants can be held responsable. This Magzine contains articles that use bad language (like: fuck, shit, motherfucker, etc :) ), articles that could be considerd blasphemous, articles that inform you about illial things. Circle of Tyrants and the author of the article are not responsible for it's contents. Neither for the actions people may take becouse of the articles (like stealing a bike, etc). You may not use an article without permission of the author. [ Running the program ] Well, Just run Ancient.exe and see :) You need to have a mouse driver loaded (and a mouse ofcourse, not a real one). If you like music, you need Sound Card i think :) [ How to reach me (The Coder) ] Call me on my board: CUBiCAL +31-70-3556296 (NL: 070-3556296) Open 24 Hours a day, 7 Days a Week Running a flashing 33k6 - 1 Node Ringdown :) Write me on InterNet: DeltaRay@Dsl.Nl Write me on EchoMail: 12:1200/501 In4mer 57:110/202 Chaos 177:1000/200 Shelob'z Web Write me by Snail-Mail: Delta Ray Van Beverningkstraat 142 2582 VL The Hague Holland [ How to reach the other people who worked on this mag ] Just look in the Circle of Tyrantz support board's List and look up da number. We don't all need more than a page to tell you where you can find us (Sorry Delta :)). If a writer is not in that list, look at the board add's if he ain't in there, just leave him some mail on Chaosnet.. I think :) [ How to get an update (the next issue) of this Diskmag ] If you would like to get this Diskmag at as soon as a next issue comes out, or you would like to check some of the other fine products Circle of Tyrantz has made (and get those as soon as they come out), by the means of echo mail then please call: The 7 Angelz: +31-(O)71-5148377 24hrz And leave a message to Asgorath, or page him. He will then tell you how to connect your self to Shelob's Web. This the offical Circle of Tyrantz Mail & files net and will keep you up to date in files and information about Circle of Tyrantz. You can also call one of the Host's of Shelob's Web, they will also be able to help you. [ Writing for da next issue ] As also told in the DiskMag it self. If you would like to write for this mag. Then please DO! We would welcome any article you would like to write. Sow, have got something your dying for to tell the world?, think the article's are crap and then you can do beter?, or just like to write?, THEN WRITE AN ARTICLE! You're name will be put in the next zine with the credit's (Unless your so assamed of your article or us that you would like to be anoumous :)). All kinds of article's go, as you saw form this issue. Some tips/rules for writing: - Write your article in Plain Dos txt (Ascii). No other format's are exepted. Not even Wp, Word or even ansi! - Don't Insuld people in your article (unless it's Bill Gates orso), We do NOT PRINT LAMERS LIST'S! - Write about something other people will also like to read about. - If at all possible write your article in ENLISH! If you really can't then put it in Dutch. No other languages are exepted! - Please don't write a article without any form of reading mark's or layout. That will save me, the editor (Asgorath), a lot of work! - Please give us an ORGINAL article. - We alway's keep the right to refuse your article if we wish to. Also to Edit it if we feel this is necessary. We do not have to explain why (but will di it most cases). - You may place a Board or Net add, but not a Group add! also the ascii or txt may not be bigger then 19 lines. - You may write about all you wish. Not only the scene and stuff. All goes, from interviews to poetry to dark story's. As you saw in this issue. All Article's must go to Asgorath, Delta Ray or Gothmog. But if at all possible directly to Asgorath. Because i (Asgorath) seem to be the editor (Nobody else wanted the job). As long as it's in Ascii txt we take it. Don't care how we get it. [ Da (c) stuff ] -(%)- Warning: Asgorath in over active mode :) -(%)- The Diskmag `Testimony of the Ancients' is (c) 1996 Cirlce of Tyrantz. The Source of the Diskmag `Testimony of the Ancients' is (c) 1996 Delta Ray. The Music `One of Those Day's' is (c) 1996 R-Taz. The Gfx within the Diskmag `Testimony of the Ancients' is (c) 1996 Vital. The Midas Sound System used is (c) JCAB - Vangelis Team - Iguana. The Articles are (c) 1996 to whom ever wrote a darn thing (See names in program behind a article). The Contence of the article, Testimony of the Ancients is (c) 1991 Pestilence. The of the article's in the AD&D corner from Asgorath many of the names are (c) TSR, the article's in that same section from Gothmog contain names that are (c) Tolkien. Also the name Asgorath is (c) TSR :) and the name Gothmog is (c) Tolkien :). The names : Circle of Tyrantz, Shelob's Web are (c) 1995 Gothmog / Asgorath / Delta Ray The name : Testimony of the Ancients is (c) 1991 Pestilence (and a bit uuhms.. (c) 1996 Circle of Tyrantz) The name : The 7 Angelz is (c) 1995 Asgorath The name : Cubical is (c) 1994 Delta Ray The name : Angband is (c) Tolkien & also a little bitty (c) 1995 Gothmog :) [ That's It (pfffff...) ] Now go load the damn thing! -──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────- -───────── this file passed TRiOPTiMUM! [+41.313.027385] ─────────- -──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────-
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