SI by Librador [web]
SI Copyright (c) 1998 Martin Vilcans Email: Home page: This game was originally meant to be a submission to the "256 byte space invaders competition", but after coding for a while, I realized that I would not be able to fit all the features I wanted into 256 bytes. I didn't want to start removing things (the graphics or the movement scheme could have been made simpler for example), so I just got bored of it and quit. A few months later, I decided to finish the game, even if it wouldn't fit in 256 bytes. I guess that is no problem, since most people have more RAM than that nowadays. :-) It ended up being 287 bytes. The game was made with NASM with an unknown version number. The source should be included together with the game. Here's a copy of the game manual: /------------------------------\ | | | ############ ############ | | #### #### | | #### #### | | ############ #### | | #### #### | | #### #### | | ############ ############ | | | \------------------------------/ INTRODUCTION ------------ Thank you and congratulations for buying SI! We are certain you'll find this game to be more amusing, interesting and challenging than anything you have ever played before. FEATURES -------- Being a recently developed, cutting-edge entertainment application, SI is packed with features, including the following: High resolution graphics ------------------------ SI displays graphics in 256 colour 320x240 pixels mode, giving the utmost in gaming experience! MultiBlast(tm) rapid fire ------------------------- SI uses MultiBlast(tm) technology for rapid fire and destruction! Unlike most other games, you can fire more than one bullet at a time, resulting in the ultimate blastorama! Several lines of smooth moving AI-controlled aliens --------------------------------------------------- SI features several aliens, each individually blastable, moving smoothly across the screen! The movement of the aliens is controlled by a state-of-the-art AI engine, which doesn't change the direction of the aliens or move them down until one or more of them has actually hit the edge of the playing area! Mouse controlled spaceship -------------------------- SI uses the latest in HCI development: a device called a "mouse", which will give you accurate, fast and flexible control over your on-screen spaceship! SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS AND INSTALLATION ------------------------------------ Before installing SI, check your system against the following requirements: * An IBM PC or 100% compatible running MS-DOS or PC-DOS version 1.0 or later. * An 80386 or newer processor running at a clock speed of at least 12 MHz * A graphics card and BIOS capable of displaying 320x240 pixels in 256 colours. * A correctly installed mouse * Approx. 512 bytes of free hard disk space (not required if running from disk) To install SI, insert the 5 1/4" disk into your disk drive. (SI is available in the newer 3 1/2" format at an additional cost of $10. Consult our product department for information.) Then type (assuming A: is the device letter of your disk drive, consult your hardware documentation): C:\> mkdir si <return> C:\> cd si <return> C:\> copy <return> In case you do not have a hard disk installed, or you want to save space on your hard disk, it is possible to run the game directly from the disk. Just type: A:\> si <return> RUNNING SI ---------- To start SI, change to the directory where SI.COM is located (which can be on your hard disk or on a disk). Then type: C:\SI> si The game will start immediately. GAME OBJECTIVE AND CONTROLS --------------------------- Moving the mouse horizontally will move your on-screen spaceship. Note that, unlike keyboard controlled systems, the ship will move faster the faster you move the mouse. We are certain this will give you a true feeling of reality and control. If you press the mouse button, your ship will fire a bullet. The MultiBlast(tm) system allows you to repeatedly press the mouse button to fire more than one bullet at a time. The goal of the game is to blast away the aliens that are attacking earth. The aliens move right to left and left to right across the screen. When reaching the edges of the screen, the aliens move down. When one or more aliens have reached the ground level, earth has been conquered and the game is over. If you destroy all of the aliens, another attack wave will appear, this time more menacing than ever! TIP --- The aliens will not move down until an alien hits the right or left border of the screen. So if you blast away the aliens in the edges, you'll keep the aliens from moving down.
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