Dreams of Destiny by Suburban
D.R.E.A.M.S O.F D.E.S.T.I.N.Y (c) 1998 sUbURbAN CREAtiONs first presented at Mekka Symposium 1998 /hardware/ at least recommended 486 with FPU, 12MB RAM k6, p166+...(fast fpu) vbe 2.0+ linear modes fast vbe 2.0+ videocard no soundcard 16bit soundcard boot clean, use univbe 5.3+. /credits/ 3D vector engine & 2D code crossbone 3D models & motion tomac & crossbone canyon scene tomac four pillar scene crossbone pool scene crossbone temple scene tomac soundtrack mindwalker graphics & textures crossbone & tomac design crossbone & mindwalker /additional credits/ midas soundsystem sahara surfers xlink filelinker jinx lowlevel vesa routines timj .3ds specific info and code jare, adept, borzom, digisnap /disclaimer (the classic one)/ This material is not freeware. You are allowed to copy it without restrictions for non-commercial use. No payment of any kind may be charged for this product or any combination of products or services including this product without our authorization and official written license. Commercial use, especially the industrial manufacturing on any data storage media and their distribution without the expressed permission of the producer, is strictly prohibited. Scene people are, however, encouraged to put this production on any non-profit demo CDROM or similar media they sell to other sceners. This program or the data files contained therein may not be altered or modified without the permission of the author. You take full responsibility for the operation of this software and any consequences thereof. We the creators can not accept liability for damages or failures arising from the use of this software. /final notes/ none right now.
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