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Pumatracker v0.99 by Agile

                      ¡	     PUMA-TRACKER V0.99	    ¡
                      ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡		   (c) Agile'91
                        Released In September 1991

                             The Documentation

I/ Introduction

	The aim of this utility is to achieve the best sound possible with
the less memory and CPU time possible.
	The module files are used on The Replay routine for ATARI. 
	You can transfer it with DOS 2 DOS, and use it like that.
	At this time, the replay-routine takes a maximum time of 15áscanlines
 and a music takes an average of 6-8 Kbytes.

II/ How to use the editor

	When you have skipped the intro, the screen appearing is the
	The SOND-DESIGNER SCREEN can be accessed by pressing ESC.

	Before editing a music, you must start by defining your instruments.

  A/ The SOUND-DESIGNER SCREEN (how to make a sound)


	1) Defining the envelope (Volume Data)

	Click in the box under 'VOLUME DATA' and then you can edit the volume

	Here is the list of commands :

*	C0-aa-bb-cc
	¡ aa is the number of the sample (or waveform) used.
	¡ Numbers between 00 and 09áincluded are samples which can be loaded
	  	with the LOADáfunction (which will be explained later).
	¡ Numbers between 0A and 33áare waveforms, it means samples of 32 bytes
	  	already stored in the replay-routine.
	¡ bb is the step to skip waveforms.
		If bb=0 then there is no effect.
		If you want to use a sample, you must set bb to 0.
	  cc is the number of waveforms to be played
	Ex:	C0-0A-01-0Fádefines a synthetizer's sound.

*	A0-aa-bb-cc
	  This instruction makes the volume vary.
		aa is the volume at the beginning
		bb is the volume at the end
		cc is the length of time to achieve the volume variation.
	Ex:	A0-40-00-10 makes the volume vary from 64 to 0
		in 16áVBLá(units of time)

*	E0-00
	  This instruction stops the sound (It cuts the voice).

*	B0-aa
	  This instruction is the GOTOáor LOOPácommand.
	  It permits to restarts a sound at any step of the volume sequence
	  	(It's used for echo, make a never-ending sound or restart a
	  The aa number is the number of the line to reach multiplied by 4.
	Ex :	C0-0A-01-0F
		Here :
		B0-00áloops on the first instruction.
		B0-04áloops on the second instruction.
		B0-08áloops on the third instruction.


	2/ Defining the frequency (Frequency Data)

	Click in the box under 'FREQUENCY DATA' then you can edit the frequency
of your sound.

	Here is a list of the available commands :

*	D0-aa-bb-cc
	  This instruction keeps the frequency constant.
	  aa is the offset of the note multiplied by 2 (always even) and it's
	     added to the played note.
	  a value of 18ámeans that the frequency is transposed of 1áoctave up.
	  bb is unused
	  cc is the length of time while the frequency doesn't vary.
	Ex :	D0-00-00-01 plays the real note during 1áVBLá(unit of time)
		D0-02-00-01 plays the note transposed 1/12th of octave up.
		D0-FE-00-01 plays the note transposed 1/12th of octave down.
		This command allows you to make arpeggios...

*	A0-aa-bb-cc
	  This instruction makes the frequency vary.
	   aa is a value added to the frequency of the note at the beginning
	   bb is a value added to the frequency of the note at the end
	   aa and bb must be between 80áand 7F.
	   cc is the number of VBL...
	Ex:	A0-50-00-20
		makes a little slide from the actual frequency plus $50 down to
		the actual frequency plus $00 (The sound becomes more sharpen).
		makes a little slide from the actual frequency plus $00 up to
		the actual frequency plus $50 (The sound becomes more bass).

	3/ The Other Stuff

	- SELECT SOUND can also be selected from the keyboard with F9 and F10.
	- The octave of the sound can be changed by pressing F1 to F5.
	- VIEW WAVEFORM displays all the look of the sample or waveform used
	- LENGTH displays the number of bytes (in Hexa) for each sample or
	- Don't use SAVE and CLEAR, they ain't working yet !!!
	- The LOAD option displays a new menu allowing to load samples.
	  You must SELECT a number of SAMPLE before loading it.
	  CANCEL exits this menu.
	  CLEAR doesn't work.


	This screen is cut in two parts.

	1) The First One (Upper Part)

	   It contains the list of patterns for each voices. 
	   With some parametters like SPEED, OFFSET about instruments or note.

	  - The left box contains the number of lines,
	   (like POSITIONS about 'Soundtracker'...)
	  - The right box contains the Speed for each lines.
	   (You don't need to repeat the same speed on ever lines, use it like

	  - Then the four middle boxes contain the number of pattern, offset
	    about instrument, offset about note for each voice. These parameters
	    can be choosed in the second part of the screen (The lower part).
	How to use the two boxes 'Pos (Up-->Down)' and 'Patt (Down-->Up)'

	If you press the first box, all parameters (Except the offset added to
the instruments value) on the line selected (Upper Part) will be copied on the
boxes (Lower Part). So you can show all sequence of music (Patterns) for every
line of	'Positions Box'.

	If you press the second box, it's exactly the contrary that will happen.
	Take care when using this function you can easily destroy your music !

	  - PLAY (Upper Part) plays the song. Stop it by pressing again the left
	    mouse button.

	  - LENGHT if you click on this box, the lenght from the file 'song'
		  actually will be appear.
		   This lenght can change when you edit your music or sound.
		   This function will help you to keep a cool size in memory. 

		   At this line, the music will restart.

	  - 'SONGNAME' is only to show it, you can enter anything here.
	    (See on the DISK screen the 'LOAD' & 'SAVE' options).

	2) The Lower Part, EDIT THE PATTERNS
	  That's approximatly the same as SoundTracker.

	Enter the notes with the keyboard (Two octaves, choosen by pressing
	F1 to F5).

	F6  Places your cursor on the first line of the pattern.
	F7  Places your cursor in the middle of the pattern.
 	F8  Places your cursor at the end of the pattern.

	F9-F10 Select number from used sound, you can look it in the mouse

	PLAY plays the 'Pattern' (Every pattern on every voice)

	Note that 3 effects are possible in the patterns:
		'1' For the volume, type '140' <=> volume = $40 = 64

		'2' To slide the frequency down (Use it with a sound that don't
		    reset Frequency...)
		    Type '204'	<=> Frequency + 4 (Every vbl.)
			 '204'	    ---------
			 '204'	    ---------
		    Type '200'  to stop the effect

		'3' To slide the frequency up (Use it like the previous one...)

	Some hints:
	You can use up to $80 patterns.
	Don't forget that if you use the same patterns on some lines (on
positions), when you change it, it will be changed on each lines...
	Patterns are crunched and played like that, clear all effects unused.
	Don't write about pattern $00 !
	Don't clear a pattern if you use some patterns upper, it may cause some
damages to your music.
	Select the number of a pattern by voice, select offset from note.
	Listen, when it's good, choose the POSITION-LINE (Upper Part), and click
on the box 'Patt. Down-->Up'. This will copy the parameters...

III/ Credits for that program

	Improving of the program : Shocker, Flyspy, Exocet
	 Replay-Routine debugging : Flyspy
	  Documentations           : Shocker

    All the work behind that program and the documentation has been done
    by the French AGILE Section. If you wanna contact us for any reason,
                just send a letter to the following address :

                                 ¡ AGILE ¡
                                   BP 43
                          13266 MARSEILLE CEDEX 08

		Or to...	 ¡ AGILE ¡
                                 Box  3081
                              18103  LINDINGO

               Or just take your phone and call our boards :

        STREETS OF FIRE   +46 755-10498    (Ministry+Mogwai)  SHQ (DEFJAM/AGILE)
        THE GRAVEYARD     +44 91-5160560   (The Undertaker)   EHQ
        ILLICIT ILLUSION  +1  717-399-3160 (The Mighty Quinn) WHQ
        SANITARIUM        +1  416-575-9150 (Elektra)          CHQ
        TONE TOWN         +1  414-781-3218 (Dictator)        USHQ
        TWILIGHT ZONE     +49 511-456592   (Captain Midnight) GHQ
        REIGN IN BLOOD    +49 203-409925   (Malzam&Andy)      GHQ

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