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ReCurse by Yodel [web]

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                         Snooky/YDL gives you "ReCurse"

                 - a 4kB intro for the ASM97 4kB intro compo

 ■ System requirements
     Minimum configuration
	 · 386 main processor
	 · 287 math coprocessor
	 · 550kB base memory
	 · 256kB VGA/MCGA compatible graphics card (mode 13h)
     Most likely you would like to have at least a P133 main
     processor to enjoy this production.

 ■ Greetings

     · HIs and HOWDYs to ...

     The rest of Yodel, Phoenix, Virtual Rage, Boar, the Code
     Blasters, Cascada, Omicron, Goto 10, Neurotica & Outbreak

     · More respectful HELLOs to ...

     ACME, Complex, Triton & Nooon

     Please note that if you are not in any of these two lists,
     if can have many many reasons, like ...

       - We simply forgot you.
       - We deliberately left you out since we didn't want this
         list to become TOO long.
       - We don't like you. (most unlikely)

     Also note that there is no particular order in the two
     lists. In fact, except for the Yodel greeting, the order
     was randomized just to prevent any form of favourizing.

 ■ Technical / About
     · The Sierpinski tetrahedron consists of 16384 vertexes
     and equal amount of triangles. This way I can move every
     single sub-tetrahedron independently, as when they fly
     away in random directions in the end.

     · Every face is rendered with respect to the Phong
     illumination model for pseudo-accurate specular highlights.

     · The camera script is not really a script.. :)

 ■ Closing words

     This was my first 4kB intro, and what I reacted most
     strongly to was the fact that my palette took 20% of
     the intro size.. :)

                                                 /// Snooky/YDL
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