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I-Surf by Illi Recentes ImperatoreS

                  _____  _____________  ____   ____________
                 /)    \/)            \/)   \ /)           \
                //\     \\_______      \\    \/\    _______/_sr/prc
        _______ /  \     \  _____)     / \    \ \            \ _______
       /\       \   \     \/\         /__ \    \ \________    \       \
      /  \_______\   \     \ \           \ \    \/ /           \ ______\
      \  /\       \   \     \ \    \\     \ \    \/\            \       \
       \/  \_______\   \_____\ \___/ \____/  \____\ \___________/________\
        \  /        \  /     / /  /  /   /\  /    / /          /         /
         \/__________\/_____/\/__/ \/___/  \/____/\/__________/_________/

                               P r e s e n t s

                                  - I-Surf -

This is our contribution to the Amiga democompetition at The Party 9
in Aars, Denmark...


Engine for Particlestar, Smokin' & Volumelighted box by Hastur
Everything else by TrickTrax

All by Nutman


IRIS-Logo and Multiply by Unreal
Drew Barrymore by Judas
Embryo by Matarazzo
Background babes + dominologo & dominotextures by Bandy
Browsergfx and anim + some textures by Thrym
Creditlogos, objects & scenes by Ransom


Well, nuttin' much to say. Pretty easy to put it together, no bigger problems
with compatibility and such. No crashes, no nuttin'. First time actually that
it was so problemfree to do a demo. A few comments on some effects:

An old routine, could be faster with some precalc, but everything is
calced realtime. Upper half of the screen is lowres 64 colors and lower part
is hireslace 256 colors. There are 1984 points and 2976 faces when the logo is
zoomed out, not including the grid.

Andromeda rules :) Now with different colors for each lightray.

Nothing  fake  here,  even though it would probably be easier.  The twister is
round and the lightintensity is x-y-z calculated for each pixel.

As most people know it is impossible to do a voxeltwister in 'real' 3D. I
almost got it :)

Wondered   why   nobody   did   it   this  way  before.   The  camera  is  not
freedirectional, but can swing around quite a bit.

The  color  of the light changes 1/4 of the colorvalue of the pixels it passes
through. In the box, it also ignores grey pixels, making these almost
'impassable' (have to continue though in case it should meet a coloured

Well, nuff of this.

Final note: This can be packed with the cruncher of your choise if you have
more than 16MB ram. It will NOT be able to unpack on 16MB as onefile. No time
to do a loaderversion instead. It works and follows the rules.



CONTACT TRiCKTRAX: (Comments on the demo welcome here.)
                martin@coolchat.dk      (Tricktrax)

CONTACT IRIS:   darkhawk@gmx.net        (Darkhawk)

           We are currently looking for more talented graphicians.
               If you consider joining please contact Darkhawk
                          via email or via snailmail

                               Christian Hviid
                               Lµss°egade 78 I
                                5230 Odense M

                  You should also try to visit our homepage



                            released december 1999

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