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Cebit 93 Demo by The Respectables

Hi there!!
CeBit93 is a little Demo for the ATARI Falcon030 (not for ST or TT !!!)
written for the CeBit'93-fair in Hannover, just to say hello to all the
other ATARI-freaks hanging around there and to show them that the demo-
scene is heading towards the Falcon-capabilities.
It was released under the TWID-label, coded by Duke of The Respectables
with nice grafix done by Tyrem (using the brilliant Eclipse-Paint a sort
of Truecolor-Neochrome), McFly (Title-Pic) and some GIFF-Pics.
The sound is a 25Khz sample played in loop-mode, it is called 
"our darkness" and was performed by Anne Clark.

So what are you about to see? 
1. some realtime rotated, bended and zoomed letters. 
2. truecolor starfield with 32 greyscales 
3. text zooming stuff
4. 8 plane finescrolling of a nice girl (our female member, hmmm..) 
   (if you want to see the lower part of the picture contact us,
    you horney dude!!)
5. Blitter-processed textscrolling
6. and the most important thing: the space-bar to leave this

Oh, you wanna know what TWID is? It's simply a union of some wellknown
demo-groups starting to do various things on the Falcon030. This includes
demos, games, CD's (soon to be released), literature and tools.
The memberlist is not a large one and will never be:
McFly, The Exceptions, The Lost Boys, The Respectables and Unlimited Matricks    

Ok, enough chatshit, watch the (as far as I know) first Falcon030-Demo 
and start doing nice things on the Falcon030 too.....
                          Duke, of THE RESPECTABLES / TWID  28.03.'93

Contact us:
            Stefan Kimmlingen
            Paulinstr. 38
            5500 Trier
            Phone: 0651/27200
            Fax:   0651/23040
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