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Speed 65 by Nah-Kolor [web]

Welcome to Speed #65, Editorial by Magic

Written by Magic of Nah-Kolor

65 is the age when people retire in holland and enjoy there 
pension after like 40 years of labour. 65 is also the number
of speed issues released from 1995 untill now! Should we continue ?
Ofcourse we have to! Maybe the amiga is getting obsolete? So what?
Maybe the releases on the amiga computer are getting smaller and
smaller. So What ? So what if Speed is being critisised not being
of the quality of earlier issues. We have to take it as it is.
I don't want to make excuses but this is a hard reality. We barely 
have the time to do anything. Case is working me to ofcouse.
We ain't kids anymore. We just release a new issue of speed of a bad habit 
I suppose. We can't help ourselfs. An addication ? Maybe.
People alway's shouted Amiga Rulez in the past. So let it rule and
release something on it. bad, good or excellent stuff. 
Welcome to speed issue 65 people! Done with a (dying) passion for amiga, 
free of charge to support the amiga demo scene.

Thank you Reed of Fairlight for your chiptune. Reed announced he would be 
stepping back from the demoscene but donated a previously unreleased 
chiptune of his all the same. See his website www.reed.cc
soon this chiptune will be on it now we could use it in speed.
Also thank to Mice of Zenon & Brainstorm for his chiptune. In this issue 
of Speed you can amongst others read an interview with one of 
the most legendary amiga graphicians ever. Facet of Lemon. & TBL
(former Anarchy artist) I also reviewed the latest issue of the 
Eurocharts (it was finally released) aswell as Starstruck by TBL! 
Yes Amiga won The Assembly 2006! Isn't it ironic ? beating all PC
demos :) 

I would like to thank Case of Nah-Kolor for her support over the years!
Without her Speed would have died a silent death for sure! Thank you!
All Nah-Kolor members past and present this issue is dedicated to you!
Also thanks to the others groups on the amiga scene. Without your intro's
released on the amiga there is NO speed pack ofcourse! Keep on making 
them so we can release a new issue of speed in the future!

Yours Sincerely, 

Magic of Nah-Kolor
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