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$$²                                -       -     -   - - - - ---[01/06/1999]`$$
$$  °  +$wîss^δûalìtτ^Stûƒƒ+           °                                     $$
$$     ┌┬──┐ ┌┐  ┐ ┌┬──┐ ┌──┬┐ ┌┬──┐   ┌┬──┐ ┌┐  ┐ ┌┐ ┌┬──┐ ┌┐  ┐ ┌─┬┬─┐     $$
$$ ====├┼──┘ ├┼──┤ ├┼──┤ ┌┬─┴┘ ├┼─   o └┴─┬┐ ├┼──┤ ├┤ ├┼──┘ ├┼──┤   ├┤  ==== $$
$$     └┘    └┘  ┘ └┘  ┘ └┴──┘ └┴──┘ o └──┴┘ └┘  ┘ └┘ └┘    └┘  ┘   └┘       $$
$$     [PHS]           "KICKIN' BUTTS SINCE YESTERDAY!"   °             °    $$
$$  °         °                            °                                 $$
$$s.                 °                               °          .sS$$²s.   .s$$
$$²                                                            `$$$²²$$$²   `$$
$$  [This Release]--- -  -   -     -      -                     `d$ss$P²     $$
$$                                                     °           ''     °  $$
$$ °  COWED(demo)                           °                     °          $$
$$                                                                           $$
$$    NOTE: This is the party-version!                                       $$
$$                                                                           $$
$$                                                                           $$
$$    We're going to release our first demo ever in about 1-2 hours, and     $$
$$    unfortunately, we haven't got enough time to bring you ALL infos here. $$
$$    (time is money, money's luxus and we really CAN'T afford that! ;)      $$
$$  °                                °                                       $$
$$                                            °                       °      $$
$$    demo-credits                                                           $$
$$    ------------------------------------------------------------------     $$
$$    code:........wombat          °                                         $$
$$°   gfx:.........genox/v|be                                             °  $$
$$    music:.......genox                                                     $$
$$    time used:...not much, kinda fast-demo-compo ;) '                      $$
$$                                   `                                       $$
$$     °                 °                                                   $$
$$                                                                           $$
$$                                     ~signed by genox~                     $$
$$s.                                                            .sS$$²s.   .s$$
$$²                                                            `$$$²²$$$²   `$$
$$  [Member Stats]--- -  -   -     -      -    °                `d$ss$P²     $$
$$    (Nerd Description:)                                  °       ''        $$
$$               °           °                                               $$
$$  °                                       °                        °       $$
$$    acid angel...................................code                      $$
$$    genox........................................organizing/music/2Dgfx    $$
$$    slater.......................................WWW, webmaster, etc.      $$
$$    v|be.........................................2D/3Dgfx                  $$
$$    wombat.......................................code     °       °        $$
$$ °  ZoDi.........................................sysop/music               $$
$$s.                                                                       .s$$
$$²                                                                         `$$
$$  [Releases]--- -  -   -     -      -         °            °               $$
$$                                                                    °      $$
$$            °                                  °                           $$
$$     Name             Typ        Info                          Date        $$
$$     --------------------------------------------------------------------  $$
$$     Cowed            Demo       1st Demo ever!                10/07/1999  $$
$$     Back to the 80's XM         done by genox                 02/06/1999  $$
$$     Mechanical       XM         done by genox                 02/06/1999  $$
$$     Reset            Intro      1st release ever!             20/06/1999  $$
$$s.             °                                                         .s$$
$$²                                                                         `$$
$$  [Grouphistory]--- -  -   -     -      -          °             °         $$
$$                                                                           $$
$$  Will be here soon! (As soon as i get time to do this stuff...)      °    $$
$$s.                                                                       .s$$
$$²                                                                         `$$
$$  [Contact/Dists]--- -  -   -     -      -                °                $$
$$                                                                           $$
$$    Email(Group)..............................phazeshipht@coollist.com     $$
$$ °                                                                         $$
$$    Email(Organizer)..........................g.n.x@switzerland.org        $$
$$                   °                                                       $$
$$    WWW.......................................Under (heavy) construction!  $$
$$                                                                           $$
$$s.            °                                                          .s$$
                           `$$s.δëzïgñ ßτ gëñφæ.s$$²

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