Money Creates Taste by Warehouse & Camelot [web]
ñMoney Creates Tasteº OK here is the Final version of MCT with all parts working =) We are once again sorry, to bring you another disordered demo from the Warehouse clan. This nerve-racking production was performed by the following people: Count0 of Warehouse Steve of Warehouse Vic of Camelot Metal of Vibrants Nep of Camelot Whodidwhat?!andwhy? Count0 coded everything except the 360░ panorama part which was done 1 hour before upload by Nep-CML. Vic did all graphics and remixed the music. Steve did everything he was supposed to do. Metal composed the music (Polyplex.xm) (mit liv som fisk). Quick_player done by Count0. last notes: Count0 and Nep-CML, had many ideas for this demo but due to other projects and time pressure we only manage to produce what you see (including bugs). More or less everything was produced in 3 days, Count0 made the MetaBalls part in only 2 days, with no idea on how Marching Cubes worked (that must be some record?! ;) ) A part that never got finished by Nep-CML was a Rubrix Cube, the reason for this was an overheated doctorV64 :/ extra intel:
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