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TMDC3 invitation by Trauma

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                                           T e x t M o d e D e m o C o m p o 3

                                                  I  N  V  I  T  A  T  I  O  N

                                                         D   E   N   T   R   O


            Music by !Cube/Trauma
              Audio system MIDAS by Sahara Surfers
                Vector Engine by Spector/Trauma
                  code, graphics, design, etc etc. by Sol/Trauma

                                          Deadline 11.11.98

  Read the included html pages
   for more information.

                                    Trauma: http://sauna.net/trauma/
                                   Trakked: http://www.trakked.com/
                                     A.C.E: http://www.mygale.org/03/ace/
                                 Gathering: http://www.gathering.org/
                                  Imphobia: darkness@ping.be

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