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Official Number One by Krewel Krew

───────────[ DiZ oNe RuLeZ ]───────────
       ┌│ │ OFFICAL NUMBER ONE │ │
  and it is:
   ! THE OFFICIAL #1 AT ║ UC95 ║ !

>AnoThA STaTe oPH Da aRT GuS/VGa DeMo<
        █                           █
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██    ██ █  █ █  ██ █     ██ █    █  █
█     ██ ████ ████  ██ ████  █████   █
█    ██  ██   █      ██ ██    ██     █
█   ██   █    █████            ███   ██
 █  ██
 █ ██           ██
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 █       ██  ██         ██  █ █      ██
██          ███  █  ███ █ ██  ██     █
██          ███   ███   █      █ █   █
            ████  ██    ██     ██ █ █
            █  █  ██      ████ █   █
            ██  ██                 █

 "THe TiMe HaZ CoMe
           FoR Da KReWL To RuLe !"
 The proof (copied from the _official_
 results text for UC95):

                     Demo Compo

1.      Official Number One / Krewel Krew
2.      Fake Healer / Fear Factory, Xography, Eye-D-Alistic
3.      Comatose / Fear Factory
4.      HBE-Fake / HBE

      (all demos not available to the plebs)
U can c we break da law   ----/\
And the maximum length for file_id.dizes

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