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BP05 - The message by Surprise!Productions [web]

  :___________ __________  _________   :
  :\_       __/\        ░//      ___░\ :
  : _\       \  \_______//            \:
 ,:/  \      #\   _____  \      #\____/:,
:: \_________=/  /     \  \_____=/    e!::
::               \____=/                ::
::                                      ::
::S U R P R I S E! P R O D U C T I O N S::
::                                      ::
::            proudly presents          ::
::                                      ::
::         S!P BP05 The message         ::
::                                      ::
:: First small release from S!P C64     ::
:: Code: IceDragon/S!P                  ::
:: Gfx:  Almighty god/S!P               ::
:: Sfx:  Dalezy/Triad                   ::
:: Greetings to all we love!!           ::
:: S!P - we show you where the crabs    ::   
::             overnight!               ::
::     www.surprise-productions.com     ::
::                                      ::
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