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Helium by 3SS

  z$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$        _____________________________________________
 J$`                    4$      z$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
 $F   _______________   4$     J$`  3 Stockarna Snⁿse                        4$
 $F  |$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$p  4$_____$F                                            4$
 $F   »»»»»»»»»»»»)$$$  4$$$$$$$F   Helium v1.0r1 Final Release              4$
 $F  |$$$$$$$$$$$$$$U'  4$     $F   (c) 3ss Compoware                        4$
 $F               )$$$  4$     '$b                                          d$'
 $F               |$$$  4$       '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'  
 $F   ____________)$$$  4$            ||                                       
 $F  |$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   4$        ____||_______________________________________
 $F                     4$      z$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
 $k  s t o c k a r n a  $$     J$`                                           4$
 $k      s n ⁿ s e      $$     J$`                                           4$
 '$b                   d$'     $F   Code       : ACiDLEiA                    4$
   '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'       $F   Music      : gOAgOD                      4$
			       $F   Graphics   : ACiDLEiA                    4$
                               $F   Prog Type  : Win32 Demo                  4$
                               $F   Released   : May 16, 1999                4$
                               '$b                                           d$
   _____              ______________________________________________||_________
 z$$$$$$ Release.info $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
J$`                                                                          4$
$F  This compo sux, because SOME special selected people can change the      4$
$F  rules, by blackmailing the organizers, so they were able to use          4$
$F  VooDoo2 in their demo. The original rules were the following:            4$
$F                                                                           4$
$F  - The demo MUST be a Win32 application.                                  4$
$F  - The demo should be a DirectX application.                              4$
$F                                                                           4$
$F  And as far as we know, Glide doesn't use the DirectX API.                4$
$F  The only correct way to use Voodoo2 should be by using Direct3D.         4$
$F  Rule changing sux, but anyway, we are pretty satisfied with this demo.   4$
$F                                                                           4$
$F                                                                           4$
$F  Addon Information:                                                       4$
$F  ------------------                                                       4$
$F  This demo were placed 2:nd in the demo compo. So, if the VooDoo2 demo    4$
$F  would have been disqualified, or placed in another compo, this demo      4$
$F  should have won. We aren't saying that the winning demo were bad, it's a 4$
$F  really nice and well coded/designed demo, but changing the rules isn't   4$
$F  good. And, Liket^Goto10, we know that you changed the rules a bit the    4$
$F  year for us (Our demo was to big), but we think that changing size is    4$
$F  a bit more "kindly" than letting people use better hardware...           4$
$F  Anyway, no disrespect to Liket, he's the only one working in the Icing   4$
$F  crew, without him, no Icing. :) And as we mentioned before, we're still  4$
$F  pretty satisfied with this demo.                                         4$
$F                                                                           4$
$F  And now the greetings as the SHOULD have looked in the demo, but due to  4$
$F  the lack of time, we hadn't time to include everyone.                    4$
$F                                                                           4$
$F  3 Stockarna Snuse Greets:						     4$
$F  -------------------------						     4$
$F  Candle								     4$
$F  K2									     4$
$F  X-Zone								     4$
$F  Goto 10								     4$
$F  Replay      							     4$
$F  Robot								     4$
$F  Nocturnal       							     4$
$F  Orca 							     	     4$
$F  									     4$
$F  									     4$
$F  ACiDLEiA Greets:							     4$
$F  ----------------							     4$
$F  [scene dudez, personal]						     4$
$F  *Cloud, We have been on the scene a long time fellow... :)		     4$
$F  *Aeroba, Same as above. Time for co-op now?				     4$
$F  *Chip, also for remaining on the scene, and showing cool Amiga demos at  4$
$F   Icing :)								     4$
$F  *Wasp, for beeing nice & remaining on the scene			     4$
$F  *Devo, for help with routines. CYA in Cyprus ;)			     4$
$F  *Angel (Start code again! Miss you on the scene. Remember the cool       4$
$F   parties at Cloud's place? (When designing the 'Fuck U bitch demo')      4$
$F  *Liket (No hard feelings :) Your'e really doing what you can.)	     4$
$F  *Blecfisk, Your tune should have placed higher in the MCHN compo.	     4$
$F  *Colossus, for beeing nice & cool. Join our "non-computer" parties more  4$
$F   often. :) 								     4$
$F  *Pastor-Knastor: For dizzing computer parties. :)			     4$
$F  *Mojje, for beeing nice and helpful. Great demo indeed.		     4$
$F  *Duffe, also for beeing nice.					     4$
$F  *Phogy, keep goin' with your music!					     4$
$F  *Hardnoise, where are U ?? ;)               			     4$
$F  *Gargamel, for beta testing Helium (The application)		     4$
$F  *Gaffer, for developing PTC  					     4$
$F  									     4$
$F [non scene dudez, non personal]				             4$
$F *Kefrens for making the best demo EVER [Desert Dreams]		     4$
$F *Spaceballs for making outstanding demos [State of The Art, 9 Fingers]    4$
$F *Byterapers for making the best PC demos [Hyperventilation, Sexadelic]    4$
$F *TBL for making really nice demos with great music.			     4$
$F *Makers of WinUAE for making an Amiga emulator, so I can run all quality  4$
$F  demos & games again. The PC scene sux. Keep on improving the AGA support.4$
$F  I simply *LOVE* your emu, and I even love the AMIGA ECS & AGA more.      4$
$F *All the remaing Amiga scene. Keep goin' strong. The Amiga scene still    4$
$F  rule more than the PC scene						     4$
$F *The "serious" PC scene. Keep goin'.                                      4$
$F						                             4$
$F  [non scene dudez, personal]						     4$
$F  *Ringdahl, love your cool parties (not computer parties)		     4$
$F  *Anders C, festa phett pσ Cypern eller ;)				     4$
$F  *Anders M, k÷r inte ihop det F╓R mycket nu... :)			     4$
$F  *Johan S, fixa mer feta appz & gamez till mig :P			     4$
$F  *Mange, Mer fest!							     4$
$F  *Martin S, alltid kul med fan clubs ;)				     4$
$F  *Camilla, Respect & Love						     4$
$F      								     4$
$F  	        							     4$
$F  GoaGod would probably also greet a few peoples, but he isn't here now,   4$
$F  so he can greet them in the forthcoming Win32 release:		     4$
$F  "Hocus Pocus Win32 ('99 Remix)", or in our soon coming WWW page.         4$
'$b                                                                         d$'
  '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 3ss-99 $$$$$$$$$'

How to Use :
1) Unzip with SUBDIRS, and run 'helium.exe', then just enjoy the show.
2) Remember to visit Helium's official website at: http://surf.to/helium/

- Pentium anything.
- Any compatible DirectSound soundcard
- Any DirectX compatible graphics card
- 32Mb RAM (?, not tested) 
- Win95 or Win98 (and Maybe Win2000, WinNT)

- At least PII-Celeron 300MHz
- 64MB RAM
- Defragmented HD :)
- Rebooted computer

Known bugs:
To many to list here :)

Contact us for donations, applyings, amiga demo, mp3, mpeg swap:
.:[ ACiDLEiA^3ss ]:.
Mikael Stalvik
Skogsglantevagen 18
426 68 Vastra Frolunda
e-mail: mikael.stalvik@goteborg.utfors.se

.:[ gOAgOD^3ss ]:.
Calle Hansson
Adress: ASK HIM
Phone:  ASK HIM
e-mail: calle@computerhouse.se

Also, download these Multichannel songs from Icing:

	*Girlie by ACiDLEiA^3ss
	*Koodname Kojak by Hegge^3ss
	*Silicon Lullaby by gOAgOD^3ss

- ACiDLEiA & gOAgOD, at Icing '99, may 16th, 1999
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