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Tempesta by Soft One Productions

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                          p r o d u c t i o n s



        12th place at Assembly '94 International Demo Competition
             held in Helsinki, Finland, 5th-7th August 1994

1. What's this file for? ║
This  file  is  intended  to  be  something  less  than  a  nice reading. It
should   contain   information   about   the   demo   and   about   Soft-One
Productions.  If  you  have  more  to  ask, please don't hesitate to contact
us (see "How to contact Soft-One" paragraph).

2. Legal Notice ║
Running the program, you agree the following:

	a) Soft-One  Productions is  not liable  in any  way for  any damage
	   or  loss  may  occurr  during  the  execution of the program. You
	   use it at YOUR OWN RISK.

	b) You  are free  to distribute  the file,  TEMPESTA.ZIP unless  you
	   distribute it  in its  original form  and no  charge but the disk
	   and/or mail/phone costs are applied for sending the file.

	c) Shareware   and  Collection   Vendors  MUST   contact    Soft-One
	   Productions  before  including  TEMPESTA.ZIP  in  their  catalogs
	   and collections for arranging an agreement.

	d) For  anything  missing  in  this  Legal Notice, Italian Laws  are

We hereby  agree this  demo to  be inserted  in the  official ASM 94 CD-ROM,
asking no fee for it.

3. About TEMPESTA ║
Tempesta is the first DEMO ever made by Soft-One on a PC.
We finished it in  4 months, unfortunately in  a great hurry and,  as usual,
it's missing of some parts we would have liked to include.
We hope  you will  enjoy this  demo. We  put in  it a  lot of enthusiasm and

For running Tempesta, you should need the following configuration:

	- i80486DX/33 or better;
	- 4 mb of RAM;
	- 3.2 mb of hard disk space;
	- a soundcard (GUS, SB, SB Pro, SB16).

Please also keep in mind the following things:

	- Your PC must run without any 386 control program (such as
	  EMM386, QEMM, 386MAX, UMB.SYS, etc.)
	- Tempesta won't run without a soundcard. This because of the
	  music synchronization that couldn't be performed if no
	  soundcard is present on the machine.

4. About Soft-One Productions ║
Soft-One  Productions  was  founded  in  1991  by  Rasterburner  and TheRock
as an intro group on the C-64 scene.
In 1992 Killer Loop, Cedar and Negative joined Soft-One.
Cedar  entered   in  the   C-64  section,   Negative  joined   as   musician
and Killer Loop in the PC section.
Afterwards,  also  Rasterburner   joined  the  PC   section,  changing   his
handle into Raindrop, and we started releasing some intros on the PC.
Then  school  took   everyone  too  much   time.  Soft-One  didn't   release
anything  for  more  than  a  year,  except  some internal-use utilities (we
still don't know if we will ever release them).
Now, it's  time for  Tempesta. Look   and   judge   yourself,   but   please
remember that life is fun, so if you don't like it, don't blame us.

5. The memberlist ║
Handle          Real name                       Age     Function(s)
Killer Loop     Alessandro Santini              21      SysOp/Addit.Coder
Raindrop        Philip Hoyer                    21      Coder/3dGfx/Org
Cedar           Raffaello Bartocci              19      Coder
G-Loc           Luca Morelli                    23      Addit. Coder
Negative        Stefano Barilotti               18      Musician
Lanc            Fabrizio Bartoloni              20      2D Graphics
The Rock        Daniel Terlizzi                 23      3D Graphics
Mig             Paolo Piantoni                  21      3D Graphics
Dorian          Luca Bassanello                 21      Courier

6. How to contact us ║
Internet (the fastest way):             alex@teseo.unipg.it

BBS:                                    Side Effects
					14400 V32b/V42b MNP2-5

Net/Echomail:                           68:390/0@DGi
					soon Fidonet

Snailmail:                              Alessandro Santini   / Killer Loop
					Via Eugubina, 87
					06122 PERUGIA

					Philip Hoyer         / Raindrop
					Loc. S.Filippo 35
					06049 SPOLETO

					Raffaello Bartocci   / Cedar
					Loc. Madonna di Lugo
					06049 SPOLETO

Telephone:                              +39-75-5725732 (Killer Loop)
					+39-743-220644 (Cedar)

Fac-simile:                             +39-75-5725726

7. Distribution Sites ║
│ Country    │ BBS Name             │ Phone           │ SysOp               │
│ Germany    │ Golden Image         │ +49-6039-46124  │ Brian               │
│ Greece     │ Megaverse            │ +30-61-277089   │ Dgt                 │
│ France     │ A.C.E.               │ +33-1-45888809  │ Gandalf             │
│ Austria    │ Polymorph Lights     │ +43-1-4951874   │ Slow Hand           │

8. How to become distribution site ║
To become a distribution site, you must:

- put a  file conference where  all Soft-One's releases  can be downloaded
  without any file, byte or time ratio;
- have a 14,400 bps or higher modem; - have your BBS open 24h a day, 7
  days a week; - have your BBS not related to any kind of illegal
  activities (piracy);

If you can meet that requirements,  send mail to KiLLER LOOP (see  section
7 of this infofile) and leave  data about your BBS (users, phone,  meggage
and whatever you feel necessary for us to know).

9. Personal Greetings ║


Brian/LD    : howdy Brian? You were surely one of the nicest dudes there on
	      ASM 94 ... quite happy to call you sometimes!
Abyss/FC    : nice night at KY-Exit! But Wednesday night was *MUCH* better!
Dgt/Deus    : Well, it's time for you to change to PCBoard isn't it?
FatMorgan   : Epimeno... epimeno... send my greets to MOT!
Un. Artists : you were really nice ... hope to see your production soon!
Timo        : too bad you were kicked out from XGY ... I will call Crystal
	      soon ...
Stone/Dust  : you still forgot to insert me in the nodelist ... 8(
Iguana      : you all very friendly people! remember to fix the nodelist!
Zteel/DFN   : Hey! I found that Butter cookies!!!
Coexistance : thanks for all the help you gave us!
Inapt       : to that boy from Rovaniemi - wassup mon? I installed 4DOS!
	      to the boy I borrowed the PC: sorry, the boy from Rovaniemi
	      told me I could do that ...
	      to that boy I tried to lick his girlfriend ass: get a life!
	      to you all: stop cooking that f*****g pizza! (dling!)
Nemesis     : Here you go boys! Thank you all for the moral support and the
	      nice chats!
Otto Chrons : heeeeey!!!! how's the IRC boozing going on? 8)
Boys on IRC : thank you for the chats!
Twin Killer : shit, still waiting for QFront 1.12b!
TGM staff   : Here you are, friends!
Two lamers  : next time I will crash you hi-fi ... you're warned!
G-Loc       : how could we let it run without you? 8)

All the people on DGi and everyone I forgot!


Otto Chrons : thanks for fixing that bug, how's your company
	      going? You're one big pal. Hope to hear from ya soon.
John Smith  : hey dude, still trying to rig some chicks? Hope you
	      like this final release, we will get in touch soon.
Gore /FC    : What's up big guy, thanks for the help at the pardey.
Brian /LD   : thanks for the long chatting at asm, laeuft die phong
	      part endlich?
Avatar /LD  : Thanks for some technical help, hope ya get that 3d
	      editor flipping bug fixed.
Stone /Dust : the 4k was amazing, was nice too meet ya at asm,
	      remember Sunday morning? (Ich bin immer noch muede).
Jinx /TC    : Thank you and all the other members of TC for the big help
	      at ASM94, I don't  know how we could have made it without
	      you, hope to hear from you guys soon. Please greet me all
	      the other guys I met at ASM.
Carlos/UA   : You are a pal, keep up the good work and keep on
	      improoving that 3d part it will kick ass.
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