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ASM WORLD by Dark Horse Multimedia Labs

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                 M U L T i M E D i A    L A B S


                       A S M    W O R L D

               Released on the 28th of JULY, 1996

                                                      DISCLAIMER ║
   This demonstration is Copyright of DARK HORSE MULTiMEDiA LABS ║
   (c)1996. This demo is freeware, please distribute it to all   ║
   your fellow computer users as long as you keep the archive    ║
   as it was when you got it and delete any irrelevant BBS-ads.  ║
   No part of Parity  may be tampered with or removed            ║
   without a written permission from the authors. Nobody in      ║
   D.H.  can be held liable for any kind of trouble or damage    ║
   caused by executing or messing around with this piece of      ║
   software.                                                     ║
   By executing the demo you agree to these terms.               ║
                              DARK HORSE MULTiMEDiA LABS         ║
                 DARK HORSE ML is formed by THREE members.                ║
   ■ JM           Juan Manuel de Castro    MAiN CODER               24    ║
   ■ FEDE         Federico del Bagno       GFX                      19    ║
   ■ SONIK        German                   CODER                    16    ║
                                  TECHNICAL INFORMATION          ║
   This DEMO USE HiGH RESOLUTION MODE-X , If You Encounter any   ║
    Monitor Problem RUN: CRTSETUP.EXE Before Loading the DEMO.   ║
  This special mode improves the quality and runs in a  NORMAL   ║
   VGA 256k CARD, besides the hardware limitation  320x200x256.  ║
  The Sound System Supports GUS/MAX,SB/PRO/16,ProAudio 8/16,     ║
   and WSS. This System Uses 32 channels for simulate a          ║
   3D world and some background 'movie' music to give a more     ║
   realistic feeling .                                           ║
   In GRAVIS there is an option for Surround System, but it uses ║
   the double of GUSRAM.                                         ║
   All this in 44KHz 16-bit CD-quality sound.                    ║
                        · ∙ · ∙ ■ · ■ ∙ · ∙ ·                    ║
   OK, so now for some general demo information:                 ║
   ──────────────────────────────────────┐                       ║
   SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS / RECOMMENDATIONS ╞═══════════════════════╩══════════╗
   ──────────────────────────────────────┘                                  ║
    ■ 512 K Free of EMS  and  X M S     (YES! HIMEM and EMM386)             ║
    ■ A 386 PROCESOR OR MORE.                                               ║
    ■ A GUS or SB/Pro/16/AWE,ProAudio 8/16,WSS, or NO SOUND.                ║
    ■ A VGA BOARD OF COURSE 100% Register Compatible.                       ║
   We recommend you to run it on a i486DX/66 (BUT NO MORE) preferrably with ║
   VLB and a Gravis Ultrasound card.                                        ║
   ──────────────────────────────────────┐                                  ║
   PARAMETERS FOR THE DEMO and MUSIC     ╞══════════════════════════════════╣
   ──────────────────────────────────────┘                                  ║
   Sound System                                                             ║
   ────────────                                                             ║
  Environment Variable                                                      ║
  ────────────────────                                                      ║
        Set DHPLAYER=CONFIG     -> for reconfiguration the Sound Board      ║
        Set DHPLAYER=AMPLI 100  -> set Amplification to 100 (no 100%)       ║
        The GUS and SB Sound Device use direct hardware detection           ║
        routines, and might therefore cause problems on some                ║
        computers. In that case, simply force the settings from             ║
        the command line WITH: TERRANOV.EXE /R                              ║
        IF you have any Problem or you receive NO SOUND, Please             ║
        Load the demo with the /R option                                    ║
        Example : ASMWORLD /r                                               ║
    ────────────────────┐                                                   ║
      OTHER DH Releases ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════════╣
    ────────────────────┘                                                   ║
       Asm World      (Demo)        / GUS  (Never Distributed)              ║
       Century        (Demo)        / GUS                                   ║
       Space Travel   (Slide)       / GUS/SB/ProAudio/WSS                   ║
       Space Travel 2 (Demo)        / GUS/SB/ProAudio/WSS (Not Finished Yet)║
       Plasmas        (Intro)       / GUS/SB/ProAudio/WSS (Never Dist.)     ║
       Wormstars      (Intro)       / GUS/SB/ProAudio/WSS                   ║
       DH Info        (Group Info)  / GUS/SB/ProAudio/WSS                   ║
       Worms FX       (Demo)        / GUS/SB/ProAudio/WSS                   ║
       Zoomer         (Intro)       / GUS/SB/ProAudio/WSS                   ║
       Parity         (DEMO)        / GUS/SB/ProAudio/WSS Anti Bill G.      ║                                                  ║
       TERRA NOVA     (MEGA-DEMO)   / GUS/SB/ProAudio/WSS                   ║                                                  ║
    ────────────────────┐                                                   ║
     GROUP INFO, BLA-BLA╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════════╣
    ────────────────────┘                                                   ║
    MISCELANEUS :                                                           ║
    ─────────────                                                           ║
     This demonstration is not a demonstration of some other program we     ║
      might have in development. This is simply a demo of itself.           ║
      We Do IT, for FUN!                                                    ║
    How About a PARTY in Argentina  ??                                      ║
    ────────────────────┐                                                   ║
    READ THIS ********* ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════════╣
    ────────────────────┘                                                   ║
              We are Looking for new Members ( Music )                      ║
              and DistroSites ... Please Contact Us ...                     ║
              Leave a Message in any Dark Horse HQ or DIstro (Read Down)    ║
     "DO YOU FEEL THE DOMINATION ??"                                        ║
    ────────────────────┐                                                   ║
    CONTACT INFORMATION ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════════╣
    ────────────────────┘                                                   ║
      To contact the DARK HORSE PRODUCTIONS try:                            ║
             BBS: SISTEMA UNO (WHQ)                                         ║
                  384-7444 (10 nodes)                                       ║
             Hour : 24 hs.                                                  ║
             SYSOP: Billy, JM                                               ║
        LOGIN as DHORSE (NO PASWORD REQUIRED)                               ║
                 Area DHorse                                                ║
             BBS: UNKNOWN DIMENSION  (MEMBER-BOARD)                         ║
                  866-4987                                                  ║
            HOUR: 24 HS                                                     ║
           SYSOP: RAVE-N                                                    ║
             BBS: KISS MY ASS (DISTRO)                                      ║
                  823-6995                                                  ║
            HOUR: 24 to 07 Hs                                               ║
           SYSOP: KISS                                                      ║
             BBS: FORT APACHE (DISTRO)                                      ║
                  305-9633                                                  ║
            HOUR: 24 Hs                                                     ║
           SYSOP: MADBiT                                                    ║
          e-mail: jm@sistema1.com.ar                                        ║
                  fededb@siscor.bibnal.edu.ar                               ║
      snail-mail: DARK HORSE PRODUCTIONS                                    ║
                  c/o Juan Manuel de Castro                                 ║
                  Juan Bautista Alberdi 1071 5-A                            ║
                  1424 CAPITAL FEDERAL                                      ║
                  ARGENTINE                                                 ║
  ┌────────┐                                                                ║
  │ ENJOY! ╞════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
       We Strongly Recomend do CTRL-ALT-DEL, After VIEW this DEMO,
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