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SlachParty5Invitation by Mankind [web]

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_______ ___/ ____/__/   /     _____\____ \/  ___/____/  __/___ __________
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________ /_____   //\______    ./____    //\___   _____/    //__________
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                 _// Slach Party 5 Invitation //    /     /
                                                   /     /_ __ _   _ __

 It is an intro invitation for the SLACH PARTY 5, that will take place
in saint-caprais de bordeaux, france, on 5-8 August 2004, and non-stop !
 The SLACH PARTY is a coding party, More information on the website:


 It was made by the mankind demo group, The party itself is organized 
  by Group-k, Wipe, Ukonx, mankind and other french active groups.

 This is the windows version of the invitation, a linux version can be reached
at: http://www.m4nkind.com

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