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Armor Of Gods 4

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 ∙──o Technical Notes o──∙

    Mag needs about 5-6 megs of mem, and a fast vesa compatiable video
    card. The magazine engine uses 640x480x16 bits mode , so if ya
    have troubles with that, can't run or smth else , Univbe 5.3 or
    higher can help ya.

    It can run on 486 but i recommend ya to run it on Pentium machines
    For sound system we use Midas v 1.1.2 (who dont use it? ;] ) , so i
    hope ya dont have troubles with sound

    command params:

      <-setup> - for setup your device
      <-1>     - to use scrolling (for fast machines)
      <-2>     - don't use it...

    If ya have some questions contact Warhawk for technical problems.

 ∙──o Credits? o──∙

    Main editor     : Programmer/Unv
    Code            : Warhawk/T-rex
    Opening picture : Made/Bomb
    Gfx             : Greenpix7/Unv
    Gallery pics    : Danny,Orome
    Music           : Tangerine/T-rex , XHale

    Music system    : MIDAS v 1.1.2 by Sahara Surfers

 ∙──o Contact o──∙


        unv@chat.ru  ... Programmer
  warhawk@t-rex.org  ... Warhawk

            8037059  ... Programmer
           11941605  ... Warhawk

    On IRC:
           warhawk , or Prog (on Efnet or Ircnet )

   Send you news,articles , adverts ,music or gfx contributions etc...
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