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kasvis 2 by Brainlez Coders!

      _______     ________  ______          _ _______ __  ______  
      l     /_____\____  /_/ ____/_/____     /      /_\/_/ ____/______
      _  __/  |     _     |_______     |    /     _/    l_______     |
      \       |     \     |      /     |   /     /      |      /     | sLV^
 - ----\______l-----._____l_____,------l________/-------l_____,--- - |
        . | ,                                                        :
       ._\|/_,                                                       .
        kasvis 2 - the hemp continues

        (c) copyright 1998 brainlez coders!                          .
        all rights reserved.

        legal things are presented in file BC!LEGAL.TXT. read it before
        running this software.


------[ release information ]-----------------------------------------------

        back in nineteenninetysix we released something that differed
        from our previous productions; kasvis - a demo for kasvis'96
        party held in helsinki, finland.
        after i've seen this demo for about hundred times since that
        day, i finally decided to make a second edition of it, with a
        bit more heavy routines, still, trying to keep the atmosphere

        computer used to make this possible:
                oldschool amd k5/133mhz
                oldschool s3trio64 2mb / compal 14" svga
                oldschool harddisk
                oldschool 4Xcd-rom
                oldschool gusMAX 1mb (win32 drivers 1.2beta)
                billyboys win98 with ms-dos 7.1 and oldschool 4dos 6.0b

         computer required to run this demonstration is about the same,
         i had to synchronize the effects somehow, because there are some
         muthafucka elites with daddies pII/450mhz and some fans with
         configuration like i have.. so it'll probably suck; this isn't
         tested in any other computers :) i guess a 166mhz pentium
         compatible will handle this situation fine. my old 133mhz amdk5
         is anyways a bit too slow for the lightspeed space travelling
         simulation part. and by the way; this may not work on some intel
         processors, amd is kinda required... :) (doesn't mean this doesn't
         work on intel machines, this just doesn't work like it SHOULD
         because we use some amd specific instructions)

         all effects are realtime calculated; only things that are pre-
         calculated are the 3d-scenes + some textures used. this is slow,
         but try env. mapping with (even) faked moving lightsources in turbo
         pascal 7.0, you can't make it faster without massive precalcs!

         386 (+math)                    p143
         1mb RAM                        6mb RAM
         VGA (8bit)                     VGA/VESA (8bit mode will be used)
         DOS 3.3+                       DOS 6.0
         NOSOUND                        GUS (SB works too)
         floppydrive                    harddisk

         with soundcards; our soundcard detecting routine is based on the
         soundcard environment settings, so be sure you have those set like
         they should be. if you don't know what those are, check your sound-
         card manual and look for BLASTER=XXXXXXXXXX or ULTRASND=XXXXXXXXX
         kinda lines  ..  this demo supports mono output for almost any
         soundblaster (or compatible) and 3d-stereo output for gravis ultra-
         sound cards (atleast gusmax can handle 3d-effects, check your
         manuals for more information) if you have surround stereo system,
         use -thx parameter when running the demo.

------[ thank you ]---------------------------------------------------------

        tea urvelo / bC!             for helping with something important
        epaz / bC!                   for helping with something important
        suomen rankin väbä           for vacation

------[ credits & info how this was made ]----------------------------------

        sliver / bC!                 everything else
        beta / amen                  adnmod v0.96[3D](modified by sliver/bC!)

        code in turbo pascal 7
        graphics in adobe photoshop 5, paintshop pro 5, deluxe paint 2e
        music in cooledit pro, impulse tracker 2.14
        text in ms-dos 7.1 texteditor
        3d scenes in blumps - the 3d-fractal creator 0.3 ALPHA
        datafile structure constructed with paa-se-siihe 1.0

------[ kun minulla on syöpä, tervehdin sinua ]-----------------------------

        greetings must go to some (x-)sceners;

        cool prods, ruskean reiän ritarit, iso, wunderbaum, (b), hirmu,
        tarzan tuotanto, vista, orange, rage pc, rectum cauda, proxima,
        purple, live!, cncd, trauma, remedy, royal, a-men, capacala,
        imphobia, nooon, future crew, triton, twilight zone, the spacepigs,
        spaceballs, goto 10, gtj0-do0odz, etc forgotten men & women.

        bC! social.org must be_greeted! ja laitetaan nyt vielä ihan
        mainpossellekin, ettei ala vituttaa. no muillekin membereille,
        jopa parteeeeeememboille. onkos nyt kivaa? 'jeee!'
        nimiähän nyt on turha mainita, kaikki tietävät jotka tietävät.

------[ contacting tHE bRAINLEZ cODERS! ]-----------------------------------

        since our infofiles are badly outta date, here's some contacting
        related information:

        www-server:     http://brainlez.ml.org

        ftp-server:     ftp://aindji.ml.org/pub/brainlez

        ircnet-channel: #bC!

        email:          ismo_s@yahoo.com        sliver
                        czero@sci.fi            heap
                        <member>@aindji.ml.org  <member>

        bbs-scene:      the temple went into the internet, so it isn't our
                        hq anymore.. i guess our bbs-scene is quite dead
                        anyways. hmm. go to the net and seeeeeeeeeek.

__________________/  \
                      \  ____________ _  _
        . | ,          \/
                hemp to my beat, let it feat, to the beat!
                hemp to my beat, let it feat, to the beat!

                kasvis 2 - the hemp continues

                first presented @ temppeli╤kommuuni, 09.09.1998
                released under the most famous demolabel: brainlez coders!

                ps. ootko muuten ikinä nähnyt yhtäpaljonpaskaa yhdessä

                sliver / brainlez coders!
                gona evp / pr / pääministeri
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