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Gruel by Marshals

      ________       ________________________________       ________
 __ __)       \______)                              (______/       (__ __
 \_\\______________       M  A  R  S  H  A  L  S       ______________//_/
          ____   _!_____   ____  ______   ____     ____!_ _________
   _____  )   \__)__   /___)   \_)  __/__/   /_____)__   /      __/____
  _)    \/   _____    /    /____/______     /   ____    /   /______   (_
  \_____\/___\____\_______/\_________/_____/   /____\______/______/____/
    ___________   ___    ____              \_  \_    ___   ___________
    \__________\__\__\___\   \______________/   /___/__/__/__________/
      _!___________ ______\                    /______ ___________!_ 
      )_____      //_        P R E S E N T S         _\\      _____(  
       |    \_____\  \______________________________/  /_____/    |
       |                                                          |
       |                     [ GRUEL DEMO ]                       | 
    _)________   ___                                  ___   ________(_
    \_________\__\  \__________[ CREDITS ]___________/  /__/_________/
       |                                                          |
       |    music, design, some 2d :: nula                        |
       |                        3d :: domotor                     |
       |                        2d :: robotriot                   |
       |   code (demopaja+effects) :: memon / moppi               |
       |   code (3dengine+effects) :: woid                        |
       |                                                          |
       |   windows  -  opengl  -  640x480                         |
       |                                                          |
    _)__________   ___                              ___   __________(_
    \___________\__\  \________[ GREETINGS ]_______/  /__/___________/
       |                                                          |
       |   Aardbei, Broncs, Calodox, Cocoon, Condense, Cymagine   |
       |   Digital Murder, Dim4, Haujobb, Jff, Kiki prods,        |
       |   Lithe Lewd Leyman, Lucis Magia, Madwizards, Mandarine, |
       |   Mankind, MDR, Moppi design, MovSD, Mutant inc., OJuice,| 
       |   Orion, Peon, Popsy team, Pure, Razor 1911, Sprite,     |
       |   Terror Opera, Ukonx, Vectors, Velocity, Wipe...        |
       |                                                          |
       |   Scene.cz, Pouδt.net, Ojuice.net, Scene.org, ...        |
       |                                                          |
       |   And all forgotten or alone people we known             |
       |                                                          |
       |   Respect to all who have the faith in demoscene culture |
       |                                                          |
    _)____________   ___                          ___   ____________(_
    \_____________\__\  \____[ CONFIGURATION ]___/  /__/_____________/
       |                                                          |
       |   Windows (9x, Me, 2k, XP)                               |
       |                                                          |
       |   Minimal configuration:                                 |
       |   P3 @ 800 Mhz                                           |
       |   Fast OpenGL graphic card (nVidia GeForce2)             |
       |   64 MB RAM                                              |
       |   Soundcard                                              |
       |                                                          |
    _)______________   ___                      ___   _____________(_
    \_______________\__\  \_____[ MESSAGE ]____/  /__/______________/
       |                                                          |
       | from nula:                                               |
       | ----------                                               |
       | had no time to finish... maybe next time ;)              |
       | - this demo was made with demopaja                       |
       | - music was composed with renoise                        |
       |   in 4 hours during night before the party               |
       | - don't blame us... we just don't like it                |
       | - thank you                                              |
       |                                                          |
    _)______________   ___                      ___   _____________(_
    \_______________\__\  \_____[ WEBSITE ]____/  /__/______________/
       |                                                          |
       |                 http://www.marshals.cz                   |
      _!___________________________________ ______________________!_
      \_____________ _  nfo design - elend \ impure  _ _ __________/
       __  ___)         ______     ____     ______         (___  __
       )_\ \___________\\     \___\\__//___/     //___________/ /_(
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