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Stone Man On The Day Of Glory by Joker [web]

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         ...too good,      Q      ┼QQQQQQQL     #L
         to be true...     σL    jQQQ#╢QQQ#    j@
                            ╢L  jQ#P"   ░╧Qk  _╪
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                              J   O   K   E   R

                        P   R   E   S   E   N   T   S 

         --- S t o n e  M a n  O n  T h e  D a y  O f  G l o r y ---

                    512b (with Procedural Graphics) Intro

                              ZX Spectrum 48kB

                        C o n t r i b u t i o n   t o
                 L o v e B y t e  D e m o p a r t y  2 0 2 2

                    code ........................ Dalthon

            I was dead certain that Tiny Executable Graphics are
              supposed to be 512b - and got surprised when read
              the rules of the competitions (on the submission
                                deadline day).

                  There was no way out and I had to put it
                           as ordinary (?) intro.
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