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Frosty by AM

╓──────────────║ FROSTY 4k - AM DEMO GROUP│──────────────────────────────────┐
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║                                                                            │
║ Well it's that time of the year again, the end of it to be exact. :-) Mad  │
║ shopping sprees, the burning of Xmas merchandise, drink driving await as   │
║ well as the traditional end of the year release from AM!                   │
║                                                                            │
║ This 4k was started by NOR at the Coven 98 blitz competition. It was months│
║ later that I was able to do more work on it. After watching a few 4k       │
║ productions which featured music I decided to give Reality's AdLib tracker,│
║ Rad, a go and to my surprise the music and the player still left me quite  │
║ a lot of space to squeeze in a few effects. This is the result of about a  │
║ month of on and off coding. The music is not much to listen to but it is   │
║ the best I could do under the size restrictions. The 4k contains a         │
║ significantly cut-down version of Reality's Rad player coded by            │
║ Shayde/Reality while the rest of the code is by me.                        │
║                                                                            │
║ The program should run under MS-DOS utilising anything with a co-prossesor │
║ and a VGA gfx adapter but I do recommend a fast setup to really enjoy some │
║ effects. Windows 95/NT/98 is not recommended. A sound card is also a good  │
║ thing to have installed. Any old AdLib compatible should work. An AdLib    │
║ emulator for Gravis, however, is not worth the bother.                     │
║                                                                            │
║ I would like to thank, RubiXcom for his suggestions and some help on       │
║ optimising the program.                                                    │
║                                                                            │
║                                                           -- Enjoy. NOR/AM │
║                                                                            │
║ ╓────────────────────────┐                                                 │
║ ║ AM PRODUCTIONS SO FAR. │                                                 │
║ ╚════════════════════════╛                                                 │
║                                                                            │
║ INFINITY.ZIP   -- (Sep,1996)  -- pure basic demo with lots of nice effects.│
║                                                                            │
║ FUZZY.ZIP      -- (Dec,1997)  -- an ASM and C demo with more effects       │
║                                  plus a small pure Basic intro.            │
║                                                                            │
║ WAVE.ZIP       -- (Jul,1998)  -- 4k, second at Coven '98 coded by NOR.     │
║                                                                            │
║ AM_TRANS.ZIP   -- (Jul,1998)  -- Transmission a C demo third at Coven '98  │
║                                  coded by RubiXcom with music by NOR.      │
║                                                                            │
║ ╓────────┐                                                                 │
║ ║ OTHER. │                                                                 │
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║                                                                            │
║ Our happy new year greetings go to: Phorte, Black Fox, Spoony, Raster,     │
║            Jestyr, Clef, Factory, Magnesium, Shock, Gyr, Dark Fiber, MZ,   │
║            Higher Being, Baldric and all other Oz sceners including the    │
║            once who's names escape us right now.                           │
║                                                                            │
║ The AM web site is still up but it may be moving soon.                     │
║ Try http://i.am/rbx/ if you can't find it at it's old location. Check the  │
║ site for our upcomming releases as well as a musicdisk by NOR which should │
║ be out hopefully very soon.                                                │
║                                                                            │
║ Email RubiXcom (RubiXcom@mailexcite.com) with any bug reports and we may   │
║ consider re-releasing the intro if some significant changes are made.      │
║                                                                            │
║                H A P P Y  N E W  Y E A R  E V E R Y O N E !                │
║                                                                            │
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