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The Gathering 1994 Party Report by Select


			--- SELECT (TEI Euro Div) ---
			  A Mega-Delayed Production

			  <<< TG94 PARTY REPORT >>>


	  Code, Photos & Text....................................Lev
	  Title Gfx............................................Mikie
	  Main Gfx...............................................Tap
	  Scanning & Text...........................Leinad/Avalanche

			GUS Replay by Robban/IMPCDA


Select are back after just 8 weeks  with another quality production.  This is 
our report of The Gathering 94.  Probably the worst party ever!  Yep, nothing
new about the format of the report. Its pretty much the same as TCC93/Extreme
and TP93/Xography.  We honestly couldn't think of a better  way of doing  it.
However,  this is slightly more than a slideshow,  there is lots of nice text
for you to read, so this really is a report.

Technical Info:

Screen Mode: 376x400 by 256 colours
  Scan Size: 320x200 by 240 colours. 22 pictures in total (1392 KBytes)
      Music: 4 channel Protracker (96 KBytes)
       Code: 100% .386 Assembly 
   Graphics: Cine Logo (320x200x16)
	     Title Manga Girl (360x480x16)       
	     Main Gfx (376x400x16)

Members List (in order of joining):

			    Lev ---  Code   --- England
		     Mindphaser --- Swapper --- Sweden
		    Dreamweaver ---  Music  --- England
			    Mps ---  Music  --- Sweden
			    Tap ---   Gfx   --- Sweden
			  Mikie ---   Gfx   --- England

Contacting Us:

We still want new members!  We are desperate  for Coders and  Swappers. So if
you are in Europe and feel you can offer us something then send us an example
of your work. You better be good ;) Contact Lev at:

		   E-mail: ae541@freenet.hsc.colorado.edu
		       or  lev@lizard.uio.no

	       Snail mail: Stefan Hopper
			   91 New Cross Road
			   Surrey GU2 6NU

For other PR and/or to Swap Contact Mindphaser at:

			   Mikael Andersson
			   Simrivägen 4a
			   272 33 SIMRISHAMN

Mps and Tap want new contacts:        

		      Mps: Claes Mellangård
		      Tap: Cliff Mellangård
			   Adlerstens Väg 3
			   272 97 Gärsnäs

Group Greetings:

Admire,  Avalanche,  Dust,  Darkzone,  EMF,  Extreme,  Future Crew,  Gollum, 
Ground Zero, Imphobia Cascada, Infiny, Majic 12, Razor 1911, Surprise! Prod,
TEI, Triton, Twilight Zone, Xography and those that we've forgotten. 
			  --- [S] E [L] E C [T] ---
    "If it's gonna crash. It'll crash when your trying to impress someone"
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