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playdoh mansion by Depth [web]

                                                           /\                 |
                 . ____/\_  __/\______/\_______/\____/\___/  \_               |
                 . \ ___  \ \  _______ __   \__  ____   _/    /.              |
                 : .\/ |   \/  __)__/ __/   //   / /    _    / .              |
                 | :/  !_   \  |    \ \____//   /_/    /    /:.|              |
                 | /_________\______/  /::::\  /:\    /____/:::|              |
.----------------' :::::         /__  /      \/   \  /         `--------------'
|                                   \/             \/                         
|                              -- playdoh mansion --
|                                       by
|                                      rolex
|                                     slumgud
|                                     sprocket                                                             
|                          (mix stolen from strangefruit)                                                  
|                                         *                                   
|                                o   O   / \   O   o                          
|                                |\_/ \_/   \_/ \_/|                          
|                                |_________________|                          
|                                |  ,-'''-,-'''-.  |                          
`-----------------------------( (   \ [°} | {╪] /   ) )-----------------------.
                                 \   \____|____/   /                          |
                                  \___         ___/                           |
    N E R D E N E   I N N T A R      \   (_)   /        H A G A !  (NO AGA!)  |
                                     /         \                              |
                                    (____ - ____)                             |
                                        \___/                                 |
                                   [a true story]                             |
|       our story begins with 6                                         
|       cute and innocent sceners                                       
|       sitting on the train to                                         
|       kindergarden                                                   
|                                                      puff-puff        
|            _     _        _     _        _     _        _              
|         ,__\/____\/_   ,__\/____\/_   ,__\/____\/_   ,__\/_            
|         ||_| .. |_|(   ||_| .. |_|(   ||_| .. |_|(   ||__O|'___.       
|        (.___________|-(.___________|-(.___________|-(._________|       
|       ___0O______O0_`___0O______O0_`___0O______O0_`___0O____O0_`       
|     ]=[=]=[=]=[=]=[=][=]=[=]=[=]=[=][=]=[=]=[=]=[=][=]=[=]=[slm]=[    
      with a sonic      $$$$$$$$$$$$$      .------------------------.         |
      boom the ghost  ºº$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$    |       IM 1337!!        |         |
      of last        $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$  |  ph34r my monkey penis !         |
      christmas     $$$$""""$$$$""" "$$$$  |  and man-boobs         |         |
      appears!!     $$   ____   ____   $$  '------------------------'         |
                    $$   ____   ____   $$  //                                 |
                   $$$   \_x_| |_x_/  $$$  /                                  |
                   $$$   _    ¿    _  $$$                                     |
                    $$$ \  _______  / $$                                      |
                      $$ | | | |.| | $$                                       |
                _________| |-|-|-| |_________                                 |
               /         | \_|_|_/ |         \                                |
              /'          \_     _/          '\                               |
             /'             %%%%%             '\                              |
            |                %%%        %%      |                             |
            |     | ( o )     %    ( o ) |      |                             |
            | _|_ |                      |      |                             |
            |  |  |                      |      |                             |
            | \|/ |                      |      |                             |
            |     |                      |      |                             |
            |     |                      |      |                             |
            |     '.                     |      |                             |
            |     '|                     /      |                             |
            |_____ '          O         '   | | |                             |
               |   \\   \_    %    _/ /(_ | | | |                             |
               |_   |         %         | |_|_|_)                             |
             (___)  |        %%%        |    _   _   _   _   _   _   _        |
                    |      %%%%%%%     /    [.].[.].[.].[.].[.].[.].[.        |
                    |      %%   %%    |     [.]                               |
                    |       |   |     |     [.]  ñññ   OH NO!                 |
                    |       |   |     |     [.]  . .   My penis is            |
                    |       | - |     |     [.]  \O/   smaller than           |
                    |        \,/      |     [.]  -|-   his!!                  |
                    |         |       |     [.]  /`\                          |
|           _:_            ..                                              
|           | |          ,'.#'.      MIKAL USES HIS MAGICAL SWEDISH        
|           | |        ,'   '#.'     PENISPUMP!                            
|          .| |,     ,' o0  .'                                             
|          (_ _)   ,' o0  .'         *sluuuurp.. sluurp*                   
|            |     '.   .'                                                 
|            '.   .' '.'                                                   
|              '''                                                         
`-----------------------------------[ nfo by allanon
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