memories by Desire [web]
art : hammerfist ∂#MW%e _d$Ng, 'B, ∂b _jM@$QZb,cQ" )@ ,edRB$b,l@ Wk,yGR$KM&$b, ,dP" Wl ]bsd%UR8BG6&$@DSyG#ZKM&$b, ,dP "T%L 'MGF "*∂R_ Tg "*4Zk,#I YP W" 7P "*∂R 4M gd@ ^ ∂@ d@b dQ$#@Z@R3L_ "*GMj 'W ,gd$ d@b 9Q$#%b W#, `M Wb `* _4P `Qk *#N8L `H5 @b 'QR7YK `* _4F" Qk `6@L dML '@ ,BK 'M ∂B *b, '#L ^QBb,_ _,4&M∞∂@=,_ _dGL _gQKM GL @k 'Mg,_ _dG, "*BN5W$2#MNP" "*G3WRM8&B5P"`Y@QNW3Z5P" ∂#$W8BRM3XZN87 "*GW38M%EBDW5P"` p r e s e n t s 4 d@, _& `Wl _,aP "#baedM$#@@K JP*"?ML ,ad@$#P" ,d@NEWVB" X,aQPYb,_ V@Mm,_ ,d@MW#BW' EMP" '¶R ,ngBP^fML ¶M@N@y Y#BNW#M" J9" `MQ9" "MgRBq ,QBMg, VN#P` ,d@@ `WM@^ 7f ¶F` 7kY" ^G _.eQNE1. ]B _G@MWN$, `P ' 4b QP ¶w@F*^ ^Qb ]O@NRM#W@MNB, ; ^` j JP^ Yl J#NRNWM@#BcT"^ ,A _J _q@ `X '¶WM#B@WdY`,7 _G#YN#PM _,gG" M, *BN#WP" dK ,Q@NRMB"]9 , _,M@Q* #A "U^ V@h, iNBW#NT J' J9 s@QN" _; 'D, ¶RMBv&NMQR@9 .W .K' "9` ,6BA _JL ]l Y#NE@W#NRP #[ `¶8 _d@MW#B_jW#W BN "GQ@MR#W QL_ *B _,p#NBW#NQMG@WY 3Q "Y@F ,XW@M%im,_Yb_ _,g5@#MW@QMNE@E@NRMB ,WM ` _,gP*"#REM#GB@N#MQbnd@N#M@MW#R8QSB^'WQERM@ ;4NB, ,GYKL ¶E#B8R8QSB@M@#BM#W@MNB"`_ , "^` N ,dW@Ql _Q`'W`*t '¶@GS#MBQ#E@W#NQBW[ 'LvQ_ ,K _dNABGM#N ,F ' `^WAB@QGE9*"9^*@L jP7FY, ¶h,_.jWM#BR#GBM, J; , _ ' ' "LL YxE#B8R8QSBNW@W; AP _,Ag6^ _ J ¶A `"Q#M@MW#R8E#P j@ `"XQW[ 'LvK,_ 'L_,/ @t Y#NE@WNR" :M/ 9^*@L jP7F" _PYKL _,A; ¶RSNQ" dKL ' ` ' "L "`'W`*t `"XQb `W^ Q`8t 'L_,/ , _ ' 9^Q ,W _PYKL _,Ag6^ ' W, _ ,#N& !N _ J "`'W`*t `"XQW[ _ J N!_JG9^RwQ' *t `W, 'LvK,_ ' _gGB8@L _ 'LvK,_ ,WgB' V 7L _.,gm&@B&wBZF" j@'` "WL _gML jZd7Yb lN" dBWl ,g&QB*"^` `"*G@g, .gR&k,_ ,N" '@QF ¶k;gMF *QvQ jQ, ,@N@B#, .eQF*` `Yb@" "*6Qg,gF , 7 XMN" 'MNB, ^¶QWSER@N; ,gP" qy, W' ^Q' &L ,g@W' `QMEL `"WBNWP g7 ¶9 ,X M? 9" _q8MSK ¶EMt *@K Vh _,m#L _AH le ,GBDNE9^A, *@F NMg ¶L,qQ@ND _.m@Bl We ,gM@B8#Q' ¶h_ lWE, W9NHW@` JWM#B@] @e 4WR@NGF^ 'QL dRWl VMd* "@BE@PM 'N *UP" VW, JRSB; ,@F j `¶WK W, ¶t XNt _A@E#N _JP ,6& "GLdM XD, _.g8NMA@k,_ _,gG#NMGR; "Z .JRER 'VMi _jNB#W&_ _,j@E@W#Nl ¶MBGMNQGNQMG@QBW9 ¶h ,G@NRMBl `" ,d#R@M$F ¶Mg, *QMN8R8SBN$E@WF Vb dW#R8QSRb, *YM@EQ,_ 'MENBW#NQMG#B@R@MW#l "BM@QNENRQG' *WGS#MBMNEYL `^"*8M@Q@NRM#W@BWSNW@QBF"` `^*@QBF^ [HFT] ^M@MW#Q9 ^Wt `^¶RQ@W8NQGP*` ¶Q#@P Vk lA `"^` Y" `MA J#, *R@, ,MQl Y#Wk, GWM8L W8RQSt,_ AQ@MR#, `@M@#SB@Mbm.,_ QNBW#NW ¶QB8R8SBN$WNRM@#GNtwg@NMQR@B' *MBQ#8R8QS@NE@WNBW#NQMG@NR; `WGS#MBQ#R8QSB@NE@W#NQBW9 *OMW@QMNE@E@NRMW@QMB@* `^"YQW@Q#SB#NE@EGP `^"*8R@GBQF` a 256 byte production by hellmood shown at revision 2020 D E T A I L S many sceners and friends asked for this so here it is: a tiny megademo with a selection of some of my tiny effects i did over the years! it is not so easy as it might first seem to glue all these together, since each one has a LOT of assumptions, which do not work when you combine them. additionally complicated was the optimization for dosbox since i specifically wanted midi music in this which left dosbox as the only option according to the rules of revision 2020. some of the effects require computation power, so i had to workaround a lot to make everything as smooth as possible. the included source can be assembled for dosbox, winxp dos, and freedos. the win xpdos version is a bit larger due to a few details, while the freedos version is just 230 bytes, because there is no music inside it. i didnt want to speed hack PC speaker stuff into it. the final freedos version might include even more effects, depending on how fast i select and optimize them ;) neither the winxp nor the freedos version are optimized to 100%, they are included for the sake of completeness, to show it works on every dos(alike) system out there. look into the code and feel free to tweak around! Y O U T U B E C A P T U R E E F F E C T S: 1) board of chessboards 2) circles, zooming 3) tilted plane, scrolling 4) parallax checkerboards 5) sierpinski rotozoomer 6) raycast bent tunnel 7) ocean day night simulation 8) fading transitions inbetween 9) midi vibraphone soundscape # G R E E T I N G S # # ___ # # sensenstahl,homecoded,rrrola,frag,T$ # # Optimus,Trixter,igor,gentleman,VileR # # Whizart,g0blinish,Rudi,ryg,Orby a.k.a. # # orbitaldecay,wysiwtf,Kuemmel,p01,Lara # # Oscar Toledo,Drift,maugli,Harekiet,etc # # # # +all DESiRE members #
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