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Digital Future BBS


             ┌───────┐ ┌─┐ ┌──────┐ ┌─┐ ┌───────┐ ┌──────┐ ┌─┐
          ───└┐ ┌──┐ │─└─┘─│ ┌────┘─└─┘─└──┐ ┌──┘─│ ┌──┐ │─│ │────────
         ─────│ │──│ │─┌─┐─│ │┌───┐─┌─┐────│ │────│ └──┘ │─│ │─────────
        ──────│ │──│ │─│ │─│ │└─┐ │─│ │────│ │────│ ┌──┐ │─│ │──────────
       ──────┌┘ └──┘ │─│ │─│ └──┘ │─│ │────│ │────│ │──│ │─│ └────┐──────
             └───────┘ └─┘ └──────┘ └─┘    └─┘    └─┘  └─┘ └──────┘
             ┌──────┐ ┌─┐  ┌─┐ ┌───────┐ ┌─┐  ┌─┐ ┌──────┐ ┌──────┐
       ──────│ ┌────┘─│ │──│ │─└──┐ ┌──┘─│ │──│ │─│ ┌──┐ │─│ ┌────┘──────
        ─────│ └──┐───│ │──│ │────│ │────│ │──│ │─│ └──┘ │─│ └──┐───────
         ────│ ┌──┘───│ │──│ │────│ │────│ │──│ │─│ ┌─┐ ┌┘─│ ┌──┘──────
          ───│ │──────│ └──┘ │────│ │────│ └──┘ │─│ │─│ │──│ └────┐───
             └─┘      └──────┘    └─┘    └──────┘ └─┘ └─┘  └──────┘

               .:(SysOp: Snowman):.  .:(Staff: Mr X, The Joker):.

                -[ Running PCBoard 15.2+ with 2 blazing nodes ]-
                -[     27oo Mb of total hard disk storage     ]-
                -[ Fast Warez, Cool layout and 28k8 of course ]-
                -[ !CD filled with 600 megz, and more coming! ]-

                -[ NoDe #1: o9o-18919o (PoWeRBiT 28k8) +96oo! ]-
 S00N C0MING!>  -[ NoDe #2: o9o-181665 (STaNdaRd 14k4) +24oo! ]-

                   >>>>>>>>>> NUP!: DIGITAL TERROR <<<<<<<<<<


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