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In year 2000 3 sceners (Fidel, Ill and Grifter) from east boarder of Poland went to Horizon2k party to present 
first demo of Agenda group (not the Atari's Agenda). But we did not to manage to finish it at the party.
I found last month whole sources and assets from that time at old CD and decide to release it with help
of current Agenda group (Atari one :D) at Riverwash2018.


ps. old 2000's versions and source will be available at https://github.com/jakpam/z soon :)

code: Fidel
music: Skuter
graphics: Svoy, Bloo, Zero

I want to say hello to people i knew then and meet now:
Ill, Grifter, Pepson, Toaster, Lazar, Fangorn, Svoy, Fremen, Traymuss, Moldis
Kasdeja, Koala, Kordee, Jammer, Azzarro, Yerzmyey, Zenial, Argasek 
Acemen, Supernoise, Fei, Sebaloz, Borys, Voyager, Yup
and all I forget.

Svoy: kudos to Agenda (A8), HPZ, Palsecam, Fuse. We love you all! 

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