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fläsh by Ümlaüt Design [web]

                    ▄  M  L  A  ▄  T     D  E  S  I  G  N

                                 strikes again
                               with a 64k intro
                                 at AntIQ 2002

                                     $    $
                     $$$$$ $$        $$$$$$   $$$$$$$  $$    $$
                   $$      $$       $$    $$ $$        $$    $$
                  $$       $$       $$    $$ $$        $$    $$
                  $$$$$$$$ $$       $$$$$$$$  $$$$$$$  $$$$$$$$
                  $$       $$       $$    $$         $ $$    $$
                  $$        $$$$$$$ $$    $$  $$$$$$$  $$    $$

                                        (lame ascii logos rule)


The staff:
  Basic concept
  Main system + effect code
  Modelling + textures + 'design'

  Texture-generator + interface............Vercy

  Some code................................Procyon

The stuff used:
  FMOD sound system (www.fmod.org)
  UPX exepacker (upx.sourceforge.net)
  Microsoft Visual C++ (www.microsoft.com)
The stuff used, but not directly:
  Netwide Assembler (www.web-sites.co.uk/nasm)
  Free Pascal for additional messup (www.freepascal.org)
  InQ 3DS loader (scenergy.dfmk.hu/inqcoders)
  APack for data compression testing (apack.cjb.net)

Minimum reqs for the intro:
  Pentium II class PC, runs fine on my 333 Celeron.
  Much RAM, no idea about the exact amount, 64MB probably does the trick.
  OpenGL compatible videocard. TNT2 should be quite enough.
  Some Windows. 98 recommended, probably runs under 2000, crashes under XP.
  Any soundcard that FMOD finds useful.

About the intro:
  This is our first contribution in the intro-category. (Thanx to BoyC/DD
  for amping us up enough to make this >:) Hope you like it. (We do. Yes.)

About the intro-system:
  The intro features our newest intro-system called "k(▄)ty(▄)". The system
  itself consists of a texture-generator (no, not ATG, although it's based
  on it), and a 3D Studio MAX exporter, which recalculates the basic data
  needed for object regeneration and camera keyframing. Still, we had to
  kinda strip it down to boxes and cylinders :) The intro uses OpenGL,
  (megathx 2 Paradox/Vivid 4 doxx) although we'll probably change that to
  D3D8 later.

About the music:
  Music may sound weird (clicks, pops, squeels) because we used a stripped
  down version of both the music and MiniFMOD. A nice, HQ version of the
  music will be released someday. Yes, we do need a synth, but I had no
  time+documentation to write one now.

About the textures+models:
  We wrote this intro 90% from scratch (music was the only thing ready) in
  about a month. (We started working on it after FLaG 2002.) Both textures
  and models may look weird and/or butt-ugly. We're sorry about that, but
  we ran out of ideas, and had very little amount of time. (I still will
  have an exam on Aug 23, which is also the first day of AntIQ.) And we
  have no real designers/graphicians in the team. Consider this as _our_
  version of TestRun >:)

About the Hidden Part:
  Exists. Dedicated to one of my favorite demos. Not command-line.
  If you find it: http://umlaut.intro.hu/hidden.php3

About a final version:
  We'll probably make one (not sure). If we do, we'll try to fix the most
  isseus, not only considering the inability to run under XP, but we'll
  also try to fix z-buffer bugs, ugly textures, syncing errors, and
  everything we had no time for now.


Contact us:
  Gargaj - gargaj@freemail.hu / http://umlaut.intro.hu/~gargaj
  Vercy - megavercy@freemail.hu
  Procyon - procyon@mailbox.hu

 ⁿd-01: .the .pert⌡       http://umlaut.intro.hu      2002 (c) ▄mlaⁿt Design
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